19 Years Later:

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"Dad!" A small girl ran through the rooms of Gryffindor Manor, Howard chasing after her. "Amelia! It's four am, go back to sleep!" Howard whisper shouted, hoping that she doesn't wake her parents. "Howard?" Oh boy, Howard thought as he straightened up, facing George Gryffindor/Weasley. "Sorry mate, she's rabid." Howard spoke, George rubbing his eyes as his red wedding ring shone in the moonlight. "Where's Leo?" Howard asked, George sighing and shrugging. "Probably teaching Kreacher how to put shoes on, I don't know." He sighed, Leo doing just that actually. "Why do I need shoes, Master Leonardo?" Kreacher asked, Leo tying the Elf's laces. "I don't know, do I? Changes things up a bit-" "Dad!" Both men looked to see Amelia breathless at the large archway of the dining room. "Why are you up, love!" Leo spoke, walking and picking his daughter up.

Now, to clarify, Leo had a daughter with Amelie, her acting as a Surrogate of sorts. Leo was surprised Viktor was alright with it. Yep, Viktor Krum. The Bulgarian Bon Bon. Leo wasn't really surprised at their wedding, Leo tired of her rambling letters about him. "Daddy?" A small voice erupted, Leo turning with Amelia to see Fred at their feet. Same situation, but George with Angelina to tribute to Fred  Weasley, or Uncle Freddie as they called him. "Oh my Godric." Leo spoke, scooping them both up as they did Howard and Leo's signature handshake. Leo just stood stunned,  Amelia poking his cheek in amusement. "Where did you learn that?" He asked, Fred smiling. "Uncle Howard!" He exclaimed, Leo hearing two footsteps travelling downstairs. "Master Leonardo-" "Don't even try taking the shoes off." Leo turned with his two children, Kreacher mid pulling a shoe off before putting it back on slowly, Leo nodding.

"What's going on?" Leo turned again to face his husband, George, and Howard. He put both Amelia and Fred down, the latter clinging to George's leg. "You have your first day at Hogwarts today and you have your first day back!" George scolded, Leo trying to find a sentence. "He needed shoes..." Leo whined, George raising his eyebrows unimpressed as Leo just nodded in defeat. "Yep, I get it." He spoke, George laughing and kissing the top of Leo's head. "It's fine, I guess. You still really are an untamed child." He spoke, an all familiar voice popping up. "We talked about that!" Sirius exclaimed, Grace slapping her husband's chest. "Dad!" Leo whined,  Amelia laughing and running to her Grandparent's portrait. "Grandpa! Grandma!" She exclaimed in delight, Fred rushing to them too. "Name twin!" Fred Weasley spoke from his portrait, the small boy running to his Uncle. "He has a name, Freddie." George spoke, for the ninetieth time as Fred shrugged. "It's the same as mine, Georgie." He grinned, Fred watching them have a stare contest jokingly. "Howard?" Leo spoke lowly as George walked to his children, the five conversing. "I know it's here." Leo spoke, Howard gawking at him.

"Come on!" He complained, pulling the small kitten out of his blazer. "It's Otis' kitten's kitten!" Howard complained, Leo nodding. "You should have told me. Bring the rest of them here." Leo sighed, Howard nodding excitedly. "Anyway, what's the schtick with you and Minevra?" Leo grinned, Howard glaring at him. "She said yes." He answered, Leo turning to him surprised.  And that's another thing. Howard and McGonagall had gotten closer during the years, dating and all but Howard proposed, letting Leo help. "Congrats!" Leo spoke, Howard shrugging. "I'm just that charming." Howard grinned, Leo nodding. "And you've just ruined the moment." Leo spoke before walking to his and George's room, Howard watching him leave with a smile. Howard literally owed his life to Leo.  The boy was his first friend, the first person to care about him, the first person not to throw something at him. overall, Leo gave the man a home and a family, even though they weren't blood related.

It was more than booze and Alleyways.


"Don't worry, I'm here!" Leo spoke, Fred on his shoulders as Amelia held George's hand. She had her trunk packed and ready, Fred tagging along because he wanted too. "Thank Merlin!" Hermione spoke, hitting the top of Leo's head. "Oi...we talked about that in Third year." He warned, pushing the cart with both his and Amelia's luggage.

Believe it or not, Leo became a Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even though he 'hated' the place over two decades ago, he simply couldn't turn down being the new DADA teacher. McGonagall herself was Headmaster, the tables thankfully back. George himself worked at the joke shop still. It was closed for a few years so George could grieve but once Amelia was born, the shop was as lively as it was before the war. Harry, Ron and Hermione all became Aurors, Leo not fancying that job as he preferred to work in the place he didn't get murdered in...


"We need to go, Freddie Jr." George picked Fred up off of Leo's shoulders, Leo and George sharing a quick kiss as their children booed jokingly. "Shut it, you devils!" Leo warned, Amelia laughing and moving to Leo. "They're not wrong, Leonardo." Ron grinned, Hermione laughing at him as Leo glared at the man. "Who messed up their vows...Ronald?" Leo shot back, Harry catching up the them with Ginny. "You ready to go?" Leo asked Harry's eldest son,  Albus. "Yeah!" He exclaimed, Leo ruffling his hair before leaning up and ruffling Harry's stuck down gelled hair. "Hey!" The man spoke, Leo surrendering as the train hooted. "It's like you coloured on a brick and shoved that on your head." Leo grinned, Ginny laughing when Harry's hair made the sound a door makes when you knock on it, Leo doing just that.

"Oh, it's 10:58!" George exclaimed, pushing his husband and daughter onto the train as they laughed. "It's fine!" Leo spoke, everyone getting on as they made way for Leo.  The man gave their luggage to a train worker before holding Amelia's shoulders. "Find some new friends, please. Spice things up a bit. Breach out. If not, go to that compartment." Leo pointed to a compartment, Amelia nodding and hugging her Father tightly, him hugging back just as tight. "Have fun!" Leo spoke, standing up and patting Amelia's head as she walked away. Leo turned to be met with a familiar child. "Oh my Godric, let me guess... Draco?" He asked, the boy with slicked back platinum blond hair nodding confused. "I saved your Father's life in the War 19 years ago. Let him know to thank me. Preferably as soon as he can." And with that, Leo left the child to himself, the boy watching him leave.

Leo walked into the Teacher's compartment, meeting with Sybill Trelawney.

The conversation was actually quite adequate knowing what she acted like.

I know the photo of what Leo looks like now is HORRENDOUS but it's the best I can think of. 😂

Omg I sobbed writing this!
It's actually the end...
The end of this book.
The end..
Well, one last time omg I'm actually sobbing nooooo! :(((

[1201 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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