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Ron only trudged after Leo as they walked God-Knows-Where. "Are you sure we should've left?" Ron asked, Leo shrugging. "I mean, I had the Horcrux on." Ron spoke, Leo only looking ahead as he continued. "You didn't mean what you said, did you? That you and Harry weren't family?" Ron asked, Leo shrugging again. "At least say something-" "Yes, I meant what I said, Ron!" Leo snapped, Ron flinching. "Only asking." He grumbled, Leo sighing. "I know you were, I'm sorry." Leo spoke softly, waling on as Ron jogged to follow. "Where are we going?" The boy asked, Leo turning to him. "I don't know, anywhere you wanna go?" Leo asked, Ron shaking his head. "I got nowhere." He huffed, Leo stopping for a moment. "What's wrong?" Ron asked quickly, Leo pointing to him. "Can you apparate?" Leo asked, Ron making a face of disagreement. "Not right now..." He answered, Leo shrugging it off. "Fine then, I'll fly." Leo spoke, Ron's eyes widening.

"Wait!" He whispered as Leo adjusted his clothes, buttoning up the rest of his buttons on his white button down before putting his ring on. "What?" He asked innocently. "You can't fly! When we were travelling, didn't you see Death-Eaters flying about?" Ron asked, Leo raising his eyebrows at the boy. "And?" He asked, Ron squinting at him. "They're looking for you and Harry! Remember what my Dad said? They can take your powers from you! Pettigrew would do it." Ron spoke, Leo's shoulders sulking. "For God's sake." Leo spoke simply, putting his backpack back on and walking ahead, Ron following. "Should we find the sword?" He asked, Leo shaking his head. "We've gotta find somewhere to sleep first, then we'll look for it." Leo spoke, Ron nodding.

They were at a disadvantage as they didn't have a tent like Hermione did, causing them to use their bags as pillows and a lot of leaves as a quilt.


"I miss her. Hermione." Ron complained for the millionth time, Leo nodding tiredly as it went through one ear and out the other. For the past two weeks, Ron had been like this. Whining about how much he missed Hermione and Harry. Leo, himself, was very tired of it but also tired from the fact that Ron kept trying to persuade Leo to go back. It had almost caused another fight. One reason Leo didn't want to go back was because that Harry and Hermione probably hated him, him admitting that he didn't like them. Another reason was that Leo wanted to find the sword of Gryffindor and kill Voldemort himself. Yes, there would be a chance at the War but Leo wanted to get it over and done with now. Ron knew the full amount of anger when Leo killed a Snatcher. Maybe a couple of them.

Okay, maybe four.


Ron trudged behind Leo yet again, the boy determined on finding Voldemort's hideout. After all of the times Ron had tried to tell the boy to leave it alone until they were all ready, he had soon given up once Leo had rejected him for the 50th time. Ron was let out of his thoughts when Leo grabbed his non injured arm, guiding him to a dark tree stump. "What're you doing-" "Shhh! Are they Snatchers?" Leo asked quickly, having a sickening idea that could go dreadfully wrong. "Yeah..." Ron spoke as if Leo were dumb, looking at the four Snatcher's that had stopped in their tracks. "There's loads of them, though. That's only like an eight of them-" "What do we have here?" Leo and Ron turned from their hiding spot to see the one an only Xaviero with three other Snatchers, Scabior nowhere to be seen. "I'll have to call the whole team for this." Xaviero grinned, Leo not trying to defend himself as they grabbed him and Ron. "Leo!" The boy cried, Leo letting himself be grabbed. "This is my way of getting to him, Ron!" He shot back, Xaviero cupping the boy's jaw.

𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 Where stories live. Discover now