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"What about the sword of Gryffindor?" Hermione asked, Fawkes sitting himself in Leo's lap and placing his head in between the boy's knees. The Minister put a finger up, looking back to Dumbledore's will. "He left it to Mr Potter," Leo's face dropped, why did Harry leave a sword that was Leo's family heirloom to Harry? Harry? The boy himself perked up, Ron confused for the same reason Leo was. "Where is it?" Harry asked, the Minister leaning forward. "As it is a historical artifact, we have to keep it somewhere safe." Hermione's face dropped as did Harry's, the Quartet seeming to split between two sort of teams. "It belongs to Harry," Hermione spoke, Ron and Leo looking to one another thinking the same thing. "It should be here with Harry as Dumbledore left it to him." The girl defended, Leo looking back to the Minister as he sighed, Harry nodding.

"I'm afraid it's still a historical artifact, Miss Granger-" "Sorry to interrupt," Leo spoke, everyone looking to him. "And this is no offence to Harry, but shouldn't I have the sword? As it is my family heirloom? With all respects to Dumbledore, he can't go gifting things that aren't technically his." Leo defended, Hermione's eyebrows raising in disbelief. Harry looked to him too, confused. "I pulled it out of the Sorting Hat." Harry shot back, Leo nodding to him as if he were stupid. "You also heard what Dumbledore said, any worthy Gryffindor can pull the sword out but in the grandee scheme of things, it belongs to my family, clues in the name." Hermione just glared at Leo as she stood up. "Just have to have everything, don't you?" She spat, everyone watching her walk out after placing the book on the table. Harry only stayed silent, Ron sighing as no one knew what to say.

"Should I go-" "No." Leo interrupted the Minister again, Harry leaving after Hermione as it was only Ron, Leo and the Minister. "That sword does belong to me, right?" Leo asked, the Minister sighing as Ron nodded. "Yeah, it was yours in the first place." Ron muttered, Leo nodding to him. "Exactly! Dumbledore has been handling what isn't his for 17 years!" Leo told the Minister, him letting out a breathe. "In the grandee scheme of things, yes it belongs to Leonardo but we cannot change Dumbledore's will-" "How did he own it in the first place? He isn't a Gryffindor." Leo asked, the Minister genuinely stumped. "Come on," Ron started, Leo looking to him. "I'm sure we can bend it a bit." Ron compromised, Leo slight shocked at the boy's demeanour. He didn't follow Harry around as much and just seemed to stick by Leo, not that he was complaining of course. "It's locations are still unknown, however-" "As long as it belongs to me, that's fine. I'll find it." Leo spoke, getting up as Fawkes moved to sit on his shoulder.

Ron only nodded as he got up too, the two boys leaving the Minister to leave himself.


"Taken it, have you?" Harry asked as Ron and Leo met him and Hermione outside. "Oh, stop being such a baby, Harry. It legally belongs to me." Leo shot back, Hermione sighing as Ron didn't look like he was going to object. "Come on, Ron-" "Sorry Harry. Can't argue with family heirlooms." Ron interrupted, Harry shocked at how Ron would interrupt. Shrugging it off, Harry turned back to Leo. "Dumbledore gave it to me." Harry spoke, Arthur noticing Fawkes as he scurried to the four. "Yeah, it didn't belong to him in the first place-" "A Phoenix! What a marvellous bird!" Arthur spoke, the Quartet turning to him as Fawkes squawked from his spot on Leo's shoulder. "Yeah, Dumbledore gave him to me." Leo spoke back in a softer tone, Harry scowling as did Hermione. "Dumbledore? He gave you his Phoenix?" Arthur asked shocked, Ron nodding.

𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora