A soft knock at the door was heard, but I was too busy fuming about Bitch Might to see who it was. 

"Deku?" I heard someone say. My eyes snapped towards them and I saw Aizawa flinch slightly at the intensity of my gaze. 

"I just told him All Might left," Recovery Girl filled in. 

"Well, he's back now, and we need you for a minute, can you walk?" Aizawa asked and I nodded. I jumped off the bed, my anger making my heart pump out of my chest and fill my ears. He led me away from the room and down the hall. 

"I just want to say, this was not my idea," He said before pushing me into a room with All Might and Nezu. 

"What's going on?" I ask, my brain firing warning signals and telling me to be prepared. I felt like I was about to be ambushed. 

"We found your mother, and I had All Might bring her here," Nezu smiled happily and I felt the color drain from my face as fear took its place. 

"Tell me you're fucking lying!" I growled dangerously, stomping my way over to All Might. My hands shook slightly, but I refused to let anyone see it.

"Izuku?" I heard a strong voice behind me and my back went rigid and my face became emotionless as I slowly turned around. 

"Mom," I said simply and watched as my short green-haired mother go from shocked to angry. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Of all places, I find you here!? Do you have any idea how angry He is going to be?!" She shouted, shocking everyone in the room. 

"I am well aware," I sighed. 

"Does he know you're here?"

"Yes, he learned today," I watched as my mother ran up to me and grabbed my ear, pulling me down to her level.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Izuku! He's going to kill you and everyone who stands in his way!" She yelled. 

"With all due respect, Ma'am, we have a plan to take him down," Nezu smiled innocently. 


"Today, after the festival," 

"TODAY?! And you brought me here?!" She yelled, letting go of me and taking a step back as fear gripped her. 

"Mom, I wasn't aware they were doing this," I said. 

"I need to leave, now," She said quietly, but a door opened, silencing everyone. Bakugou stood in the doorway, his eyes trained on my mom as his face went slack. 

"Aunty Inko?" He asked quietly and I felt my world crumbling around me. My mother's eyes snapped to me and I could see the fire behind them. 

"HE'S HERE?" She screeched and I let my head fall to my chest in defeat. Bakugou ran to her, and she wrapped him in a hug, obviously happy to see him but angry at where she found him. 

"If he sees him-" She started. 

"I know! Aizawa already promised to keep him away," I said. 

"What the hell is happening, what's going on Deku?" He asked, his hand still gripping my mom's arm. I felt overwhelmed and my nerves felt like they were trying to kill me. My shaking was to the point where everyone could see it and I felt wobbly on my feet. My hands found themselves in my hair as they started to pull at the strands. 

"Everyone needs to leave! E-Every- This was not the plan!" I panicked, squeezing my eyes shut. "I've failed, I've failed, I'm going to die, everyone's going to die," I muttered, my brain crashing. Everyone remained silent as I slowly lost control. Tears started to run down my face, pulling Aizawa out of his shocked state. 

He pulled me close to him, wrapping me in a hug. He pulled my hands out of my hair, restraining them as his arms held me close and comforted me. He helped ground me, and I could tell this was his fatherly instincts kicking in. 

"H-How much time do we have?" I asked shakily. 

"The match with Ashido and Tokoyami just ended, so another hour at the least," All Might said. 

"What the hell is going on!" Bakugou demanded. Nezu ended up filling in Bakugou and my mom, telling them of the plan and everything happening. I still stood close to Aizawa, even though he already let me go once I wasn't losing my mind. My mother's eyes found mine. 

"Do they know that he's..." She trailed off, trusting that I got the picture. I simply shook my head.

"I won't let that bastard hurt you again," Bakugou declared. 

"Again?" I asked, unaware that he knew my Master hurt me in the first place. 

"Yes again, just like before he left!" Bakugou said, his eyes staring intently at me. 

"How did you..." I ask, my mother staring at him too. 

"It was fucking obvious, you idiot!" He yelled. 

"I'm lost, what's happening?" Aizawa asked, looking between the three of us. 

"Bakugou," I said in warning. 

"They should know!" Bakugou insisted. 

"It's up to you, Izuku," My mom said, her face softening into something like encouragement. 

"Well, you really backed me into a fucking hole, didn't you," I scowled. "He's my fucking father, alright? Master is Hisashi Midoriya, the dick father that left for most of my childhood then took me in before I could take a swan dive off the roof of a building," I sighed as I watched both Bakugou and All Might look down in shame. 

"Your father? This may complicate things, are you sure you'll be able to handle fighting against him?" Nezu asked. 

"My father abused me and my mother for years, I think I can handle it," I glared.  

"Then why did you go with him!" Bakugou asked, and I had to take a deep breath before my emotions got out of hand again. 

"I'm not sharing my entire life and personal experiences with you, Kacchan. I already had one mental breakdown today, I'm saving my second one for after the battle when either we win or lose," I sighed. 

"At least he's now adding us winning as an option," Aizawa sighed. 

"Whatever, we just need to get those two as far away from here as possible!" I said, pointing to my mom and Bakugou. 

"Oh hell no! You are not benching me now that I know what's going on! I'm helping you, fucking Deku!" He yelled. 

"Kacchan, if my M-father sees you he'll kill you!" I tried. 

"And I'll kick his ass!" 

"He's targeting me! If you're there then he'll target you too!" 

"If you think you're going to be able to take that fucker down by yourself then you're dead wrong," Kacchan growled. 

"Fine, your fucking funeral," I sighed, turning back to Aizawa. "I'm going to need weapons. I prefer knives, but a gun would work too," I said. Aizawa looked to Nezu who just nodded. 

"Come with me and we'll get you something. All Might, take Miss Midoriya to one of the safe spots," Aizawa sighed. I looked over at my mom and couldn't stop myself. I launched myself at her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug that she immediately reciprocated. I haven't hugged her in 5 years, much less being in the same room as her. 

"You better not run away again. After this is over, and if I live, I want to see you," I whispered to her and felt her arms tighten around me.

"Ok, I won't leave, but you better live, Izuku!" She ordered. 

I reluctantly pulled away from her and followed Aizawa out of the room. I felt tears prick my eyes and hastily wiped them away. I felt like a boulder was just placed on my shoulders, the weight of surviving so I could see my mom again, defeating my father so my mother wouldn't have to hide in fear. We could be together again without the threat of my father hanging over our heads constantly. 

Another Chance- (Villain to hero Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now