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I woke up at the ass crack of dawn to make sure I don't give Cynthia a reason to start something with me.

I had already got in the shower now I'm putting on my clothes. I put on a Victoria secret set and my baby oil. Just because I'm from the slums doesn't mean I need to smell like it. After I had those things together and I had my outfit on I straightened my hair. I put on some natural makeup and put on my gold hoops with a gold waist chain. I sprayed some of my perfume on then I got my backpack ready.

After I got my things and my board then went downstairs. My dad was sitting there and this was the first time I actually got to talk to him since I've been here.

"Hey dad"
"Wassup lil playa" I dapped him up and got a apple.
"I ain't no playa." Here I was lying through my teeth.
"Nah Beyoncé don't try it. Kehlani and Megan told me how you roll." Of course they would be telling my business.
"Man whatever. Imma head to school though so tell Cynthia I'm gone." I grabbed my stuff and left. I looked up the school and it was only a block away so not far at all.

Once I got to the school it was a regular school. It was kids hanging around outside the school but I didn't stop. I don't even like to talk to a lot of people. As I walked into the school I felt all eyes on me but I didn't really care. Just as long as these people stayed in they place.

I found the office for high school and the nice secretary gave me my information. Kehlani came up to me in the office all extra loud like she is.

"Bey! What's your first hour?"
"Algebra 2. Damn I got Cynthia already" I can't escape this lady. She's literally everywhere I turn.
"Girl it's not so bad. At least you'll be wit me and the girls." I guess she was right so I wasn't to worried. We talked about Chris's party that the girls went to. Chris was Kehlani cousin and he also used to work for me. That was until he decided to get his life together. Once we got to the class Cynthia was there in a white blouse with white jeans, tan heals, diamond earrings, a tan purse, and a tan coach belt.

Once we all sat down Cynthia was at her desk smiling at her phone. Who or what had her smiling like that. She put her phone away and started the class.

"Today we have a new student named Beyoncé. Can you please introduce yourself" she lucky we're at school or she would have gotten cussed out for putting me on the spot.

"What do I say" I didn't really want to tell everyone my business invade it's people here that want me gone.

"Whatever you think is important"
"Okay. Umm I'm Beyoncé, I'm 16, I don't like people, and I'm a lesbian. That's about it" I sat back down in my seat and Megan looked like she wanted to burst out laughing.

"Damn to bad. You would've been a nice girl to add to my collection." I looked to see who had said it and it was this dark skinned boy.

"Mr. Dawson don't be disrespectful" Cynthia has a lot of strength to deal with these kids everyday.

"Bitch. Imma make this short and sweet. If you wanna keep yo tongue I strongly suggest you watch that mouth." I looked him dead in the eyes so he would know I was not playing. I don't have the time for stuff like this. This is why I don't stay in school.

"Beyoncé!" Here goes Cynthia getting in business that isn't hers. I don't even have the energy to go back and forth with her today. As Cynthia taught in the front of the class I was sitting in the back of the class. This girl kept looking at me and damn she was fine. Cynthia went over all the things she needed too and then she passed out homework. At the end of class I walked over to the girl.

"Hey what's yo name?" I grabbed her hand and she was blushing like crazy. I still had the charm.

"Oh I'm Porsha! It's nice to meet you"
"Yeah it's nice to meet you too. I wanna get yo know you so can I get yo number"
"Ok" I handed her my phone and she saved her number. I looked down at the contact and it said.
Fantasy 💗✨
I smiled to myself and grabbed my things. Cynthia sat at her desk looking a little bothered but I didn't pay attention. I made my way to my next class. What I did notice was that a lot of the girls at this school were pretty. I looked at my schedule and my next class was pe.

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