"Then when we make it there then what? Go straight into things or try and get rest. Talk about shit in the morning?" Seonghwa looks deep in thought as he takes the pump out of his car and back into the holder.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I think it depends on what the uncle has to say. He sounded a bit urgent for us to get there so maybe it would be best some of us don't go to sleep right away." I hear footsteps behind me, turning around I see it's Mingi and Yunho walking over to us.

"Yeah and I don't want to alarm you San, but why did you think it was a good idea to leave Wooyoung up in there by himself?" I scrunch my nose looking at what Mingi just said. What do you mean-

Oh hell no!

Why the fuck does this cashier got his hands on what's mine?

"Hey! No san! Wait up!"

I ignore Seonghwa's yells behind me and quickly make my way back inside the gas station.

"Hey, babyboy. There's nothing to be scared of-" I throw a punch at the cashier's face.

"Don't you ever touch him!" I yell out ad Wooyoung quickly comes to my side to hug me. Face in my chest and I can already feel my shirt sticking to the front of me from his hot tears. I hear the bell above the door as it opens and then closes.

"What the fuck San!" Seonghwa yells at me. Turns to the cashier to pull out a wad of cash. Telling Hongjoong to quickly get our basket and start to make us all leave.

"What point of trying to keep a low profile don't you understand?" Before I can answer he puts up a finger to quiet me.

"San, I don't want to hear it. It's better if we make no commotion because we don't need to give anyone any reason to want to watch us!" I roll my eyes and snatch the basket full of snacks out of Hongjoong's hand. Grabbing Wooyoung's hand I drag us to our car.

I slide in first and Wooyoung gets in after. Makes himself comfortable on my lap like he did once before.

"Shhh. It's ok. Daddy won't ever leave you alone like that, ever again. I promise. I'll die before I let anything happen to you." Wooyoung just cried harder as I start up the car since I see everyone is back in theirs. Ready to take leave again.

"Ok since daddy is driving you have to be careful to no move so much. Ok?" Wooyoung nods his head yes, stops crying, and gets situated.

I follow behind everyone as we get back on the road. After a good 30 minutes back on the road, I can feel Wooyoung's breathing go constant. Knowing he is sleeping right about now.

Without the thoughts of his well being my mind goes somewhere else. Somewhere I didn't think anyone would be able to get my mind thinking of.

Actually caring for someone else. Like of course I care for my members. I don't show it much, I know that much. It's just... earlier. If it was anyone else I would have to be told to punch the cashier like that. With Wooyoung no one had to tell me! If anything I just saw blood and wanted a taste of it because someone had their hands on something that is mine.

Even what I told Wooyoung before he went to sleep. I actually meant it this time, it seems.

What is this feeling?

Could it be love?

How does one know they are in love?

What even is love and why does everyone want a piece of it?

If I'm being honest I don't think I like this feeling. All this time, being in this situation pertaining to death and gangs. All I had to do was worry for myself. Even when I had passed boys to torture. At the end of the day, I knew I didn't love them. I just loved the idea of breaking them down and having them have to depend on me.

With Wooyoung though, it's clearly different. I hate this feeling, but I know this is what I've been longing for, for so long.

Growing up with no family. With no family since they got massacred in your own home as you were sleeping. That changes a little boy. Mentally. I started to look at the world different. Asking the universe why this was the route it gave me? Questioning why out of all my family members was I the one to survive?

After so long I stopped feeling sad for myself and started to get mad. At myself and everyone. That's why I started to love the idea of inflicting pain on others as the universe did on me.

I just can't exactly put my finger on when things changed with Wooyoung. He really was no different from my past toys. Only thing was how fast I broke him. I think a little piece of my cold heart knew how fragile this boy was. Maybe my heart subconsciously grew to care for the boy knowing he was so weak. I never came across someone like him.

Past boys would put up a big fight. Making me not feel bad because I was never essentially breaking them so early. They were able to be strong until they weren't. With Wooyoung it wasn't even a week.

Now the question is what do I do?

Do I start to show a different side of me to Wooyoung? Risk my feelings to keep him in this dangerous situation or keep this same cold facade? Make sure he doesn't fall for me like I may have fallen for him.

I need to make a decision before tonight.

Once we come in contact with Seonghwa's uncle, we should be able to get all the information we need to officially take down our biggest enemy right now.

Then when we do. This life would be over. Maybe in the next day or week or so. We never know, but all we do know is we are closer than ever before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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