The wolf pack

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I haven't abandoned this fic and I have arrived with a new chapter
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Few days earlier belos and his white wolf guards left the pack early in the morning.

"I won't be made a fool Lilith!" Belos spoke to the midnight blue female wolf.

"You made yourself a fool by attacking my adopted daughter!" Lilith proudly announces to anyone listening. Alador and Odalia said amity was chosen to be the new leader.

"This isn't over! I'll be back!" Belos glared at Lilith with his one good blue eye before leaving with the white wolves.

"There goes half our pack. Wolf Edric cheers watching them leaving camp.

"Thank the goddess Luna! they were nothing, but pigs who ate too much anyway." Wolf Emira smiles.


Present time at breakfast.

Amity puts on a black dress before announces that she is going visit her family in the woods.
Luz hugs her goodbye before leaving to her college class.


Wolf Amity walks towards the short cut path to see Emira was waiting for her in wolf form.

Nice collar..." Emira teased noticing the black collar on her sister's neck.

"It is nice isn't it and it's my favorite color as well."amity said playing along. By the way it's not a collar, it's a protection spell made by Luz.

Emira groaned and walked away Amity following her to the forest heading to their packs hideout.

"Really, you're so fond of that Human and you just known her for a few days. wolf Emira said.

I'm unsure of what her reaction will be when she finds out that I decided that she will be my mate?" Amity said smiling as she looked at the green wolf.

"What will you then?" Emira asked nonchalantly. "And even if you did... You know if those white wolves or belos find out one of them will hunt luz down.

Our instinct to find our mate is very much..." Amity said thinking for the right words. "Needed, as much as to want to make a Human as my mate.

"I find it amusing how much you wag your tail by the mere sight or thought of her." Emira said as they entered the camp.


Everyone in the camp looked at them; as soon as they saw Amity they approached the two and bombarded questions at their future leader, some of the wolves shifted back to their Human form.

"Are you alright?"

"Did they do anything to you?"

"Why do you smell like lavender?"

"Did they feed you?"

"Do we need to kill them?"

"We were planning to go there and save you."

"Quiet boys and girls, Amity appears to be fine, there's no need to bombard her with questions." A raven haired woman said as she came and looked at her adopted daughter.
She was wearing midnight black clothes same color of the color of her furs when she's in wolf form.

"I'm sorry for making you worry mother, Lilith." Amity said.

"I can see you're safe, I was planning to lead the others to get you otherwise." Lilith said as she noticed the black collar around her neck.

Everyone in the pack did notice but didn't dare to ask her about it, not in front of the new pack leader Lilith.

"Come with me for a moment." Lilith said walking away with Amity following behind her.

As soon as they were gone the females and males started whispering to each other. They all know what Lilith was gonna say to amity.


When they were far away from hearing shot and that was a long distance walk since wolves have good hearing aside from their nose to trail tracks.

Lilith turned around and faced amity.
Amity was nervous. Lilith looked at her from head to toe, and then focused her sight at the black collar around her neck.

"Is that what I think it is?" Lilith started off.

Amity looked down and nodded and asked; "it's a protective spell made by Luz, are you gonna do anything about it?"

Lilith laughs and replied; "No, it's not business who you choose to be your mate. But I'm warning you amity having a Human as a mate is not very safe; especially when belos and his guards are on the move."

"I promise I'll be careful." Amity said smiling.

"Oh and if that Human mistreats you ,I'm not gonna hesitate to go straight into that town and drag you back here." Lilith said. "Even if I have to shift from wolf to Human form naked in front of them, you belong to my pack and you are my responsibility." She said winking.

Amity just smiled and gave the Alpha female a hug. She bid farewell to the others and head back to the house, she now calls home.
Emira was muttering something against being a pet and didn't care if amity was just ignoring her opinion of the Human race.

"Really Amity what did you see in that Human?" Emira asked.

"Luz saved me. That's what she did..." amity said before shifting to wolf form and walking to the owl house.


Night fall.

"I promise to keep you safe." Wolf Amity thought and shifted to Human form.

Amity climbed up to Luz's bedroom window and opened it. It was a good thing Luz never locks her window.
She hopped inside her room and crept to the closet and brought out an oversize pj shirt and wore it.
then crept beside Luz careful enough not to wake her or anyone in the house and snuggled herself in her bed and sniff her inhaling her scent. She smiled and went to sleep keeping Luz close to her.

Fluff end ❤️

Notes:Fluff end ❤️

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