Full moon

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Been busy working, fixing up my chicken pen, working on mama eda AU and dealing with a pansy ass guy who doesn't know how to do shit right
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
The next morning.

Luz got up and quickly changed out of her wet clothes. She didn't have the slightest clue to what was going on... and she was freaking out. Breathing fast, she slipped into her warmest clothes and took care of her sore and dirty feet, and, not glancing at the window, left her room. She went downstairs to where everyone one else was sitting, eating breakfast, and went running passed them.

"Luz?" she heard eda call. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing!" Luz called back. "I just want to see something real quick! I won't be long!"

Before eda , or anyone else, could say anything she went outside and behind the house to where her bedroom window was. She saw that her door was still wide open with the curtains fluttering in the breeze. But when she looked back to the ground... Luz shook her head and took several steps backwards.

There was no way.

There were human and wolf footprints just underneath the window... the person was barefooted... and the tracks were in her size.

"No way..." Luz whispered as she looked back up to the window. "That has to be a ten foot drop! How could I land here and not get a scratch?"

She shook her head and tried to get a grip on herself. 'Ok,' she thought trying to calm herself down. 'Let's think about this logically... you dream about floating down from your window, running through the forest at night, and fall into the lake. You wake up with your window open, your feet are muddy, and you're soaking wet... am I sleepwalking?'

But she never slept walked before! What was going on?

She decided to try and retrace her steps from the dream. She positioned herself right below her window, and followed her tracks right into the towering wood before her. She continued her way, trying to remember every detail of the dream. Then again, it was hard to remember because in the dream it was dark and she talked to the wolf spirit.

But somehow, she was able to follow the same pathway down to the lake. And to her horror and amazement... she saw her footprints in the sand, leading down to the water. Scared, she turned and ran all the way back to the house... unaware that several golden eyes was watching her.

*The cabin house*

"You feeling alright luz? I thought I heard you talking in your sleep?" Oswald asked as he offered her a plate of sausages. "You don't look so good."

"I'm fine," luz lied. "I just had a weird dream last night."

"What about?" Gus asked curious.

They all looked at her especially Willow looking concerned.

Luz shook her head, "It's nothing that you would find interesting."

That was good enough for gus. He turned to dad and asked, "We're going hunting today right?"

His Dad laughed as he ruffled Gus's hair. "Yes, son," he said fondly. "Today we're going to go around and set up some traps... but don't get your hopes up to high if we don't catch anything."


Everyone went out into the woods. Oswald showed them all how to track, and set up all sorts of cages and traps. He taught them how to hide them in the wilderness to keep any animals from seeing them, and how to bait them with raw meat.

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