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I'm probably going to get a angry mob for this
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Luz eyes suddenly opened in the middle of the night... it had to had been very late because it was almost pitch black in the cave. She moved slightly and her paws found a tiny figure still huddled next to her. She smiled as she looked down at the little red ball of fur...flapjack had become so clingy, that he hadn't let go of her once since she got back to the den. But she just kept assuring him and let him stay with her—secretly glad at how much he depended on her and wanted her to be safe.

She looked down at him, saw his fluffy tail thumping the ground and his tongue was lolling out while one of his ears was perked up. Fighting the urge to laugh she looked around her, wondering what had caused her to wake up... though that was answered almost at once when she suddenly felt the breeze of something cold on her sore back and realized that this was what had dragged her reluctantly from her sleep.

She then noticed that there was someone missing from their warm wolf pile. Curious, she decided to get up and went to go and check out what was going on. All of them curled up, mostly around Ava and her pups before they went to sleep that night, so it took her a long time before she was able to pull herself away from the tangled mass of legs, tails, and fur and left to go and find their fearless leader.

The storm had mostly stopped by now, but it was still snowing when she got outside. The world was covered in a blanket of white and against the darkness of the sky, made everything look like something out of a story book.

And there was amity sitting there with her back to her, staring out at the sleeping forest below them; the snow falling around her in a gentle flurry.

'Amity?' she asked her. She looked back to see her before she turned back to gaze at the forest. For a moment she didn't say anything.

'What?' She asked, and Luz could feel herself getting angry at how cold she was acting to her all of a sudden. She marched over to her and demanded, 'What?! That's all you can say? What is with you?'

'Dunno what you're talking about,' she said sourly.

'Why are you suddenly acting like this?' she demanded. 'You and I always got along fine up until now. So why are you acting so rude all of a sudden?'

Amity turned to look at her. 'Look, I don't need to explain to you what's going on if you can't even figure it out yourself. Get back inside where you belong.'

She glared at her and turned until she was now standing in front her, of course she turned her head away from her as if she didn't want to look at her. Finally, luz lost it, and pounced. Amity didn't see it coming and thus didn't have a chance to defend herself. She had jumped up on her and had her pinned beneath her faster than blinking.

Amity stared up at her as she stared back. 'What's your deal?!' she demanded, trying not to show her how upset she was. 'Why are you like this now? Just what happened with you?'

Amity glared back and suddenly she was on top of her and had her pinned this time. 'Nothing's wrong ok?' She snarled at her, hot teeth in her face. 'Now just get back in there alright? Just leave me alone!'

And just like that, she turned and left as if she wasn't worth her time. She just stared after amity —wondering what was going on with their leader... not understanding why she felt as if her heart was being torn in half.

Luz glared at amity as she continued walking away from her.

'I'm going,' she growled back at her. 'And don't you dare follow me! Go back in the den where you belong!'

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