Welcome to whispering woods

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I'm back everyone
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Arrived at the whispering woods.

Alright gang," Oswald said brightly. "Welcome to Areno Woods!"

As they got out of the car, Everyone looked around for the first time. It was beautiful to say the least. The ground was covered in pine needles, and pinecones while the trees stretched on as far as the eye could see in all directions. Tall evergreens the color of emeralds with snow that reflected the sunlight making it look like a giant Christmas card. Just in front of them was a small hill with a winding pathway that had the trees on either side of them almost like a tunnel. To their left, there was a large lake with crystal-clear water that sparkled like glass covered with glitter. While far off in the distance, Luz could barely make out tall cliffs that looked as if they could touch the sky.

Amity took a deep breath in smelled the wonderful scent of pine trees and fresh soil. Yup this was her old homeland.

Willow smiles at amity knowing she was happy.

Just then luz heard a familiar voice call out, "Over here!"

Luz turned and smiled at Perry and his son gus who were running towards them. gus was the spitting image of his father... everything from the identical faces—to the fact that they both are obsessed with anything healthy.

"All right," Perry said. "Let's get your bags." Then, raising his voice, he called, "Gus be a gentleman, come on. Why don't you get luz and Willow's bags?"

Gus then came bounding forward, picked up two bags, and began to carry them, not even looking like was bothering him.

So why it's called whispering woods? Willow asked anyone who knew the answer.

It's called that because at night you can hear whispers of spirits roaming around the campground.
Now Let's get moving everyone and unpack before the sun goes down. Eda announces to the group.

But as luz moved to follow them, she felt the airs on her arms begin to rise as if there was static electricity in the air. She turned around to where she could've sworn that she saw a pair of many eyes watching her. But she blinked and the eyes had vanished.


Inside the cabin.

DINNER!" Oswald called to everyone.

Willow got up from the window seat in the living room and headed to the kitchen to eat, but truthfully, she was feeling like she going to be sick.....she was surrounded by hunters at the dinner table.

Eda came downstairs from unpacking , Gus and his dad had just come back from the lake and looked like they were ready to eat the first thing they saw, while other hunters came in from the back after making sure that the equipment was ready for tomorrow.

They all sat down at the kitchen table and were just beginning to enjoy the taste of barbecued ribs when the conversation turned back to hunting.

"Man," Oswald said to no one in particular. "With this many people, I think that we just might be able to finally catch Belos."

"He's a clever one," a hunter called bill agreed. "But we've got brains... that and some new toys that I would like to test out."

"I'm sorry I'm new here? Who's belos?" Perry asked curiously, looking up from his ribs, his mouth covered with barbecue sauce.

He's the troubling werewolf that lives in the forest. He's the head honcho, the reason why we've been coming to this cabin for years. He rules the wolf pack up here," Oswald answered him. "We've been trying to get him for years... but he always manages to outwit us somehow."

Yeah, it's rumored dad. Gus said. "If you ask me... Belos isn't like any ordinary werewolf . He's crafty... it's like he thinks like a human or something. Man... some of the other hunters I know who've been trying to track him swear that he's a ghost or something.

Amity was nervously trying to eat her dinner listening to people wanting to kill werewolves.

It's barbaric if you ask me. Willow frowns sipping from her drink.

Ha, I knew it," gus said in a know-it-all tone. "You can't do it! You don't want to hunt with us do you?"

Gus," his father said warningly. "If you're friend Willow doesn't want to hunt then that's fine. You shouldn't rub it in alright? Keep that up and you won't be allowed to go tomorrow."

"NO!" Gus screamed.

"I'm afraid I agree," Oswald said. Gus looked at him in horror. "If you can't behave yourself and get along your friends then you aren't ready to go."

"No! I'm sorry ok? I'll behave myself."

"May I be excused?" Amity asked standing up and pushing her plate of barely eaten food away from her. "I don't feel right."

"What's wrong?" Eda asked with concern.

"I think that I'm still tired from the car ride," amity said though this didn't feel like she was car sick , But she didn't want to ruin everyone's vacation and said, "I'm just going to bed early tonight."

"You sure?" Luz asked concerned.

"Yeah," she answered. "No, I'm fine luz." she said hurriedly up the stairs. "I'm just going to bed. I'm sure that I'll feel better by tomorrow!"

She then ran from the room before anyone else could say anything.


In the room Ed and emira in wolf form looking concerned, showed up at the window.

Sister we need to talk.


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