~The Chase~

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What Lila is Wearing:

What Lila is Wearing:

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No one's pov

It's been a day or two since Lila has seen Jasper, leaving her with Bella and Alice, Lila mostly stayed away from the both girls. Constantly thinking over and over her thoughts of Jasper. Lila and Bella had been sharing a bedroom since only those two slept, Lila entered the exact same bedroom to see Bella pacing around the room, her one hand holding her phone to her ear while the other hand  furiously brushed through her hair. "Don't hurt her" Bella called out as the phone line went dead.

"Bella what's wrong? What happened?" Lila asked following behind Bella like a lost Puppy. "It's James he has my mum he can't hurt her" she said looking around for Alice, once the coast was clear Bella made a run for it towards the street Lila running behind her. Both climbing into the taxi, both heading in the direction that was giving. Earlier that day Alice had saw the tracker had changed his course to a ballet studio. Once outside the place Bella walks in first.

Lila trails behind looking around looking for James, a voice calling out for Bella could be heard echoing around the room, Bella rushes toward the cupboard swinging the doors open only to see an old TV with a young Bella on the screen. "She isn't here?" Lila whispered looking in Bella's direction.
"I said come alone but an extra snack won't hurt I guess" James said with a Camera in his hand, as he sauntered over to the girls. Lila eyes Bella before grabbing her hand and pulling her behind her even though Bella had towered over the colourful girl. "Don't touch her" Lila spoke her regular doe like eyes now sharp and dark, her head slightly tilted up to get a clear look at the nomad before her.

"What are you going to do? You look like a skittle, I wonder if you taste like a rainbow too, shall we find out? I'm sure Jasper wouldn't mind, not like he's hear anyway, boyfriend's can't save you now girls" he said stepping closer to Lila, his hand still holding the camera, his other grabs the top of Lila's head fisting her hair pulling her towards him, Lila let's go of Bella's hand, before glaring at the man and spitting in his face. "You little piece of shit" James shouted his nostrils flaring, he dropped the camera on the floor, it still recording, he flings Lila's small body across the room, her back hitting a pillar, as this happens Bella makes a run towards the stairs, James spins around and chases after Bella, grabbing her and launching her into the wall of mirrors.  Hearing the glass smash, Lila struggles to get up, "hurt her not me, you wanted to taste me first didn't you?" Lila states, her voice steady, her eyes locked onto James, who was staring at Bella as small puddles started to form from the glass that was stuck in her pale skin. As the words left her lips James snaps his head toward Lila.

He pounces towards her hands around her neck cutting her oxygen, as this happens Edward breaks through into the Ballet studio, he runs to Bella grabbing her and tries to escape. Seeing what happened James growls before smashing Lila's head into the pillar next to her leaving her body to fall limp onto the floor. James grabs onto Edward's foot pulling him down along with Bella, Bella landing further away. "You maybe faster than the rest but you aren't the strongest of your family" James snarls as he pins Edward to a wall by his neck before dashing to Bella and biting into her wrist. As this happens the rest of the family storms into the studio. Emmett Rosalie and Alice all charge towards James ready to dispose of him. Carlisle and Edward sprint to Bella as she thrashes on the floor. Jasper stalks over to Lila's, small fragile frame on the floor, pulling her from her awkward position on the floor, and into his lap, his head lowering to her heart hearing a steady beat. Looking up he sees Edward sucking out the venom that was once in Bella's blood, flames in the middle of the studio where James now burnt. Carlisle and Edward rush to the nearest hospital, while Esme rushes over to Jasper. "We need to get her to the hospital to get her checked Jasper, would you be able to stay with her?" She asked kneeling in front of her adoptive son.

"I'll try my best, anything for her" he states a stern look on his face, slowly getting up craddling the girl to his body, the rest of the Cullen's follow in toe with Jasper to the Hospital.

Later that night Bella's father and mother were there checking on her with Edward by her side, however in Lila's room she had Esme and Carlisle and Jasper with her along with the rest of the Cullen's, all waiting for her to wake up yet no parental guardian came to see the girl that laid in bed with a small amount of stitches on her head. After what seemed hours the rustle of the hospital bed sheets could be heard. All golden eyes snap to the once sleeping girl. "those lights are very bright" she said quickly shutting her eyes as soon as they had opened, Esme dims the lights, Lila's eyes flutter back open. Looking around the hospital room, her eyes naturally falling on Jasper. "Hey are you okay?" She asked in his direction. "You're asking me if I'm okay? Doll you're the one in the hospital bed" he said getting up off the seat and walks to kneel by her side.

"I know you don't so well with blood that's all" she said smiling faintly, he nods while the family watch in awe of Jasper's new found control and the way both beings stare at eachother with so much admiration and love. " I'm okay doll trust me I would do anything for you" he said taking her hand. She smiles widely at the blonde curly haired boy in front of her. "we sided the papers for you since no one else arrived, family wise" Carlisle states. Sighing Lila nods with a small frown. "That's okay, you're my family so I don't mind." She said looking around at the family.

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