~ A Day Out ~

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Lila's outfits

Lila and Jasper dress, almost identical, Jasper wears matching pants and shirt without the vest, their matching creme shoes

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Lila and Jasper dress, almost identical, Jasper wears matching pants and shirt without the vest, their matching creme shoes. Lila walks into Aubrey's room, walking up to the crib, Jasper not to far behind, whilst he opens the curtains at the windows. Lila lowers the railing off the crib kneeling down to Aubrey's level. Lila strokes Aubrey's chubby cheek as she slowly wakes up. "Good morning Honey" Lila whispered as Aubrey slowly gets up. Her hands rubbing at her eyes, before holding out her arms to Lila. Lila gently picks up Aubrey, holding her close to her chest, Lila places a kiss to Aubrey's head, Jasper walks over leaning down to see a half asleep Aubrey.

Both walk down stairs Jasper in front of Lila, and straight into the kitchen. "I'll make her breakfast and her bottle, and you can feed her whilst I run her a small bath?" Lila suggests. Jasper nods agreeing "of course, come here baby" Jasper said, taking Aubrey from lila. Lila starts making a bowl of porridge and as it heats up, she cuts up banana pennies, setting the porridge in the bowl waiting for it cooling down, putting the banana on top.

Filling up the training bottle with lukewarm baby formula, making sure it was smooth, placing them in front of Jasper. Lila leaves the kitchen off the bathroom.

Jasper holds Aubrey's back to his chest, the small spoon in-between his thumb and index finger, the spoon full of banana and porridge, gently blowing on the food till it was safe for Aubrey, "say Ah" Jasper said bringing the spoon to Aubrey's mouth who gladly takes the food, a bit spilling out of her mouth at the corner "well done baby" Jasper said wiping her mouth with his finger. Jasper makes little noises like an airplane as he brings the spoon forward again. "Nom nom" he said as Aubrey chews the banana penny. As she finishes the bowl of food she reaches forward for the rest of the pennies Jasper brings the plate forward, Aubrey grabs the banana eating them one by one, Jasper just watching her peacefully eat.  In one had Jasper had the bottle ready, and then the other around Aubrey's stomach.

"Is that yummy?" Jasper asked smiling as Aubrey nods taking the bottle from Jasper and guzzles the formula inside. Lila comes back in humming "did she it all?" She asks sitting down opposite Jasper. "She has she even ate the left over banana" Jasper said showing Lila the bowl and plate.  Lila claps "oh well done honey" she said walking around the table and kissing her cheek, taking the plates and quickly washing them "do you want daddy to bath you?" Lila asked to which Aubrey gives a small no by shaking her head.

"Okay come to mommy then" Lila said taking Lila from Jasper, standing up fully "should we go to the park today?" Jasper asked standing up tucking in the chair. Lila nods " I think we should, could you get the stuff ready?" Lila asks. Jasper nods smiling.

"Come on then Honey let's get you bathed" Lila said taking Aubrey up stairs to the bathroom setting Aubrey on the counter, steadily undressing her, and setting Aubrey into the bath. "Ah look at the bubbles Aubrey" Lila said swishing the bubbles in the bath tub, Aubrey claps the bubbles that came from the baby shampoo Lila had used to keep Aubrey entertained. Lila kneels by the tub, using her hand to cup some water and gently pours it on Aubrey's hair. Lathering the shampoo in her hands then gently washes Aubrey's hair. Jasper walks in and kneels down next to Lila. Laughing at Aubrey slapping the water. He scoops the bubbles into his hand and blows them into the airz causing Aubrey to giggle.

Once the bath was done, Lila swaddles her in A towel and taking her to her room. "do you want to match with mommy and daddy?" Lila said setting down Aubrey on the changing mat, as Lila gets her dressed she blows raspberries on Aubrey's belly. Once Aubrey was ready was wearing a matching creme top to match the married couple, leggings her teddy socks tucked in the inside.

Whilst the couple walk down the road, Aubrey tucked into a blacket in the pushchair, Lila pushing the pushchair, and Jasper walking next to her, as they get to the park, Jasper opens the gate, as they walk through they sometimes stop to point out the squirrels, the birds and the odd rabbit that they came across. They came across a playground. Both vampires look at eachother before going into the playground. Unbuckling the pushchair Lila sets Aubrey down, Aubreys hands holding onto Lila's fingers.

Jasper walks ahead and kneels down with his arms out waiting for Aubrey to waddle her way over. Lila and Aubrey slowly walk their way over to Jasper, with a few stumbles, they get to Jasper, Jasper takes Aubrey into his arms and throws her into the air and catching her listening to her laugh. Jasper turns to the slide, taking Aubrey with a smile, Jasper ducks under the bar, whilst climbing on the jungle frame, he gets to the slide, he peaks around the paneling to see Lila sat on a bench opposite the slide with the pushchair. Jasper sits on the top of the slide Aubrey in his lap. Jasper slides down the slide, as Aubrey squeals with joy and Lila claps when they got to the end.

The couple takes turns on going down the slide or pushing Aubrey in a swing, till she got tired out. "Shall we go see the duckies?" Jasper asked who was now pushing the pushchair, Aubrey babbles as they get to the pond full of different types of ducks. "Look at the Swan honey" Lila said sitting down on the bench Jasper also sitting down on the bench. Lila opens the bag with snacks in, opening a small tub with apple slices in. As Aubrey eats the slices, ducks start swimming up to the edge of the bond. "Look Aubrey they want your apple" Jasper said, as a duck slowly gets out of the pond and up to the pushchair. Aubrey's hand holds out the slice to the duck, which takes the applie slice, and goes back into the pond swimming away.

"She's just like you doll" Jasper said looking over at Lila who was also sneaking a duck an apple slice. Lila turns her head smiling at Jasper. Both lean in giving either a peck on the lips .

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