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Lila's outfit

Lila paces the living room, waiting for Bella to return home, her stress peaking hearing the car arrive in the drive way

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Lila paces the living room, waiting for Bella to return home, her stress peaking hearing the car arrive in the drive way. Lila rushes down the stairs meeting Bella at the door "are you okay?" Lila asks greeting Bella gently holding Bella's shoulders "Yeah I'm okay" Bella responds.

"Come on let's get you inside, you stay here I need to have a word with you" Lila said, the final words aimed at Edward, Lila walks Bella up into the living room, to see Carlisle, Lila walks outside. Lila sits on the railing of the decking. "What's wrong?" Edward asks. "Why did you chance it Edward?  She's still human, I know it normally isn't possible but still" Lila whispered knowing the family could still hear them apart from Bella.

"Like you said I didn't know it was possible, but it was a risk I still took" Edward said his voice reeking with guilt Lila nods "If you try and persuade Bella in anyway, I will stop you" Lila said before jumping down and walking inside. Jasper instantly stands by Lila's side. "Anything?" Lila asks Jasper, who shakes his head. Bella walks into the room Carlisle walking behind Bella. Lila averts her eyes from Bella, envy waving through her body, noticing Bella's slightly swollen belly.

Over the next few days, Bella's skin pales, the bags under her eyes grow dark, her belly large and round. "Bella you need to take it our it's killing you!" Edward raises his voice. Rosalie sitting next to Bella glares at Edward whilst Bella shakes her head. "Edward you won't change her mind, she wants to keep the baby" Lila said from the corner of the room, watching the arguing go back and forth. "But Bella, please consider if you keep the baby you might now make it to see the baby, if you want to go through with this or not, I'll support you" Lila said before the sound of a motorcycle rumbles in the air.

"Is she here? Where is she?" Jacobs voice rings in Lila's ears, she looks over to Jasper who was sat on the sofa by the window shrugs not knowing why Jacob has shown up. Jacob storms into the living room. "You look terrible" Jacob starts. Lila shakes her head, sitting down next to Jasper. "How sweet of him" Lila whispers, sitting down, Jasper snickers. Lila and Jasper, sit back and watch Edward and Jacob argue.

Jacob soon storms out, running back to la push, "I need to go hunt, I can't stay here for any longer" Lila said standing up, walking out onto the balcony and jumping off the railing, Jasper following after her. The couple runs through the forest, finding a herd of deer, both pouncing on their own deers, wrestling around slightly, before piercing them and drinking from them till their body slowly relaxes. Lila drops her deer before running off for another, finishing 3 deer to herself, standing up, dusting off any dirt that was caught in her tights, or cardigan.

Jasper walks to Lila joining by her side "do you feel better doll?" Jasper asks seeing the dull look on her face. She gently nods "yeah" she sighs. Jasper didn't need his ability to tell what's wrong but didn't want to push Lila to answer, he holds out his hand, on his wrist was one of Lila's hair hands, a scrunchie that Lila normally uses at home. "Let's head back then" Jasper said, his hand still out.  Lila interlocks her fingers with Jasper's, their hands falling down to their hips. Quietly walking through the forest, listening to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling.

"Jasper?" Lila asks stopping in her place, Jasper a few steps ahead of her. He turns around "what's wrong doll?" He asks bringing Lila to him grabbing her other hand. "I don't know what to do, I want to be happy for Bella having a baby, but I also understand that it's hurting her, and Edward would be alone if she doesn't make it. It's pulling everyone apart, and Rosalie only cares now that Bella's having a baby" lila rants her words speeding up, her voice rising in pitch and wobbling. Her emotions becoming to much to handle on her own. "Oh doll, don't worry it will all come together, okay? It always does" he hushes, pulling Lila into his arms, smoothing her face to his chest, hushing her as she dry sobs. His hand smoothing her blue hair to her head. His body gently rocking side to sides Lila pulls back from Jasper shaking her head. Her earrings jingling.

Getting back to the Cullen's, everyone's attention, Lila gives a small smile falling back onto the sofa, grabbing a pillow, her back to the family, they look at Jasper curious on what happened, before he sat down next to Lila, his arm snaking around her waist, gently pulling her back to his side. Resting her head on the back of the crème couch with a sigh.

Howls rip through the air, and faint rumbling could be heard Lila perks her head up looking at Jasper. "Did they find out?" Lila whispered, brows furrowing. Lila gets up, looking out the window seeing the pack peaking through the brush. "He couldn't keep it to himself could he?" Lila murmurs. Lila huffs goes down the stairs and out onto the decking, holding her hands out "it's just me, I'm guessing you found out from Jacob? We didn't know if was possible Sam, I understand you want to protest your people, but this is a baby we are talking about" Lila said her voice stern yet soft. Sam growls slowly stepping forward, Lila's eyebrow twitches, as her eyes widen before going back to normal.

"You can't hurt someone's mate can you? It's against your morals right? So why hurt someone's baby?" Lila said her face turning stern. "Go home Sam" Lila said through gritted teeth, turning back around, walking back into the house, not noticing Jacob had slipped in while Lila was talking. Lila takes a deep breath the scent of dog in her air ways. She walks in seeing Jacob sat in the living room "shouldn't you be with your imprint? Why are you here?" Lila asks Jacob worried about Stella.

"She's okay she's with Emily, but Bella is also my friend." Jacob said his face emotionless. Lila nods in understanding, about their friendship but not being with his imprint. "He won't leave, he will stay here till you guys can't stay inside anymore" Jacob states looking at Carlisle. "That's okay, we will find a way around him, the treaty is still on with us" Carlisle said from his place by the kitchen. "But it's void in his mind" Jacob argues. Lila shrugs "Jacob we won't break the treaty, we won't kill Bella, unless she's dying, we won't hunt people or hunt on their land, we will have to make do with staying here" Lila said sitting back my Jasper.

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