Chapter 10 ❁ Wings

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"You look absolutely gorgeous," he whispered. His words gave me chills.

I looked up at him and noticed I could touch my nose to his. I did this and he laughed. Suddenly his hands were on my waist and we were back in the crowd of dancers. He swayed me to the beat of the music while I got lost in his eyes.

The thumping pulse of my heart matched the stamping of feet. My dress was slowly slipping farther up my legs. The streamers we'd put on the ceiling were ripped and some floated down to land on the ground where they were inevitably being stepped on. I reached up and caught on that feathered its way down above me. It was a rough kind of paper that felt scratchy against my skin. 

Then my eyes were back up to Draco's face. The lights that turned his skin red and then yellow and then blue caught most of my attention. I wanted to touch the delicate strands of hair that strayed from the rest and hung in front of his face. He caught me staring and smiled softly. 

My body was against his. He moved with me, never taking his eyes away. I let him explore me with his hands but didn't touch my lips to his. Draco's hand was wrapped around my own. His fingers entwined with mine. I didn't let go but kept dancing. I spun around to face him and he smiled the widest I'd ever seen him smile.

"I never thought I'd be dancing with you Malfoy," I teased.

"To be completely fair, I didn't plan on this either," he replied.

I smirked and did my best to play it cool while his fingers roamed my back. He didn't touch my skin but the warmth of his hand pulsed through the silk. 

He came ever closer to me.

"Hey! Angel! Come here!" someone called. My heart jumped and my face turned bright red as I got away from Draco as fast as I could, he just smirked.

I tried to hide my face as I turned to find whoever had called me. It was Blaise.

I walked over to him and found myself in the corner of the room near the portrait hole.

"What's up?" I asked awkwardly.

He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me through the portrait hole and out of the common room.

"Ouch! Blaise what do you want?" I groaned. His fingers were digging into my skin and making a small pool of blood form and run down my arm.

"Believe me Eve," he snarled. "I'm doing this for your own benefit." 

Finally, when the pain was too much to handle I yanked myself free and slapped him hard across the face, a movement as good as any hex in the books.

I stood with my arms crossed, favoring my newly opened wound, and waited for him to speak.

"It's not safe for you to be with Draco," he warned.

"Well I seemed to get away from you just fine didn't I?" I snarled.

He chuckled but in a strangely menacing font. "You could take Draco on, there's no doubt. But his family? His mentor? Not so much."

"You underestimate me Blaise. What do you mean by 'his mentor'?" I replied.

"I mean... Never mind. I'm sure you're right. You could take them all couldn't you." He said this sarcastically but in a strange way it made me feel empowered. I nodded once, curtly, and began to make my way back to the common room.

"Hey! Evangeline!" he called. I turned to look at him and he smiled at me. "He really bloody likes you."

And with that he turned and walked away from the common room. Before what he said had registered I wondered where he was going. When what he said had registered it was all I could think about.

It seemed to me that my heart cared all too much for this boy Draco Malfoy. He was my death wish. It also became evident that I would, without a doubt, get extremely, mercilessly, terribly hurt in the process.

I stopped before going back into the common room and rested my back on the stone wall. It felt better when I'd taken some pressure off of my legs so eventually I sank to the ground and listened to the beat of the music coming through the wall exhaustedly. 

Maybe it was the moonlight that I couldn't quite see but knew was many floors above me hanging in the night sky. Or maybe it was the smell of firewhiskey that came oozing through the pores in the canvas of the portrait hole painting but either way my chest began to heave faster, my heart felt overwhelmed by sadness and my hands clutched and pulled at my hair. Draco felt too much like home. His hands fit with mine so perfectly I wasn't quite sure how we hadn't noticed our connecting puzzle pieces before. 

My sudden rush of feelings made my head pound so furiously I didn't even notice when Draco stepped out into the corridor, but he did nevertheless.  

Suddenly his back was against the wall too and I could feel his energy pulsing at me, begging me to reach out and grasp it.

"Angel," he whispered.

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