Chapter 27 ❁ The plan

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No trigger warning this time brethren :)) You're very welcome.

Song of the chapter: I won't give up- Jason Mraz

"Astoria?" I asked numbly.

He nodded.

Everything came back to me at once. All that had happened in the past weeks, from Christmas all the way until now. I was captured, tortured, taunted and suicidal all to get back to the castle and find out the boy I loved was dating a new girl. Even if it was against his will. 

I burst out into laughter.

"Oh god Draco. We need to talk about everything don't we?" I asked through my hysterics.

He looked scandalized, afraid, but I just kept laughing and pulled him towards the common rooms.

Once we were in the dorms I asked Draco if there was any food. He ran some bath water in the lavatory and brought me a tray of soup and bread from the great hall while we waited for the bathtub to fill up. The whole time he was pale and looked as if he'd seen a ghost. 

"I know you're wondering if I'm angry," I muttered after eating everything he'd brought me. He turned the water off and came out of the lavatory, nodding slightly when he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Well I'm not. You did what you had to do my love, I only wish that it hadn't been that," I told him. I was too exhausted to be angry

He looked so surprised that when a smile creeped onto his face I was taken off guard.

"I never got to say it back Angel," he stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I love you. I'm in love with you. Forever and always, nothing could make me forget you. Especially not Astoria Greengrass."

He thought it was forever didn't he? For me it would be forever, I would die having only loved him and I'd be perfectly happy with it. He might even forget me and move on to Astoria, having a nice kid who makes him proud and happy. His father would have control over his life until the day he died but he'd have Astoria, Astoria and a life.

I didn't mention what I was really thinking, only smiled and kissed him hard before walking into the bathroom to wash the blood off of every visible part of my body.

I let the warm bath water envelope me, hugging me tightly.

It's funny, knowing you're going to die. You stop looking at the big picture, stop imagining the future. Instead you notice the tiny things like bath water, or the shine off of the marble countertops in the bathroom and the way it made a smily face shape on the wall.

I smiled a little, a plan for the day I left Hogwarts was forming in my mind. 

"Draco," I called softly once I was out of the tub and wrapped in a fresh smelling towel. I wanted to make sure he knew what was going to happen.

He walked in and picked me up, carrying me back into the room while I kissed him.

"Draco I have to tell you everything now."

He nodded, waiting for me to continue. 

"Voldemort spoke to me."

"What!?" he whisper-yelled.

"I have a week before I go to him Draco. A week before I'm gone for good."

He paled again and looked so angry I almost flinched when he moved again.

"Evangeline Claire Gray you are the most idiotic human I've ever known."

I almost laughed but I was crying and the hysterics I'd faced earlier in the day were gone from my body, leaving behind only rusty gears and exhaustion. 

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