𓄿Chapter 14𓄿

Start from the beginning

"Uh, yeah."

"How come you didn't tell me?" Hinata pouted as he slouched.

"You never asked." Kenma said before looking away.

"But you said, see you later! You must've known something."

"The words Karasuno High School were on your T shirt." Kenma said.

"Hey hey hey. What business do you with our setter?" Yamamoto said with an intimidating aura around him as  Hinata backed up in fear.

"Hey." Kenma said as he rolled his eyes at Yamamoto.

"I-I'm sorry!!" Hinata said before he backed up into Tanaka.

"What about you? What business do you have with our first year and manager? Eh?" Tanaka said with a scowl on his face.

"What's it to you?"

"You wanna rumble city boy? Eh?"

"You're about to rumble in the match we're about to play and stop saying city boy. Its embarrassing." Sugawara said which made Tanaka stop.

"Yamamoto, stop picking fights all the time. It makes you look stupid." A brown haired Male said which made Yamamoto stop as well.

"I apologize on behalf of my embarrassing teammates."  The brown haired male said as he scratched his head.

"I apologize for mine as well. I'm very embarrassed." Sugawara said with a closed eye smile while Tanaka and Yamamoto stood there in embarrassment.

"AWUGH!!" Yamamoto made some kind of noise before Tanaka looked up. Kiyoko had walked by and Yamamoto had gotten a glimpse of Kiyoko.

"Female manager... Good!" Yamamoto as he backed up, feeling his heart throb while blushing.

"Right on!"

"They have a female manager! Yakisoba bun score!"

"You'll pay for this!" Yamamoto cried.

"Taketora! Stand your ground!"

"[Y/N]." Kiyoko said with a nod before [Y/N] run up to her and hugged her. Kiyoko then patted the shorter males head before the two continued to walk into the building.

"Why do you know one of them personally?" Kageyama asked Hinata.

"I happened to run into him while we were out jogging. He's Nekoma's setter." Hinata said.

"Setter?" Kageyama asked as an intimidating aura appeared around Kageyama.

"I'm looking forward to our match today." Kuroo said with a closed eye smile.

"I'm also looking forward to our match today." Daichi said with a closed eye smile as he shook Kuroo's hand.

"Woo-hoo! The ceiling is so high!"

"Hold that end."

"Its just a ceiling."

'Oh he's a shrewd type.' The two captains thought.

"It's been eight years. What's the deal with your hair, Ukai?"

"Shaddup Naoi. You should try something new for a change!" Ukai said before the two started to laugh.

"Hey Keishin!"

"It's been a long time Mr. Nekomata!"

"I see you still have the face the old man gave you." Nekomata smiled before Takeda walked up to him.

"I'm Takeda! We spoke on the phone! Thank you for going out your way today!" Takeda bowed.

"It's hard to ignore all those phone calls. I had to respond." Nekomata smiled.

"Forgive me!" Takeda bowed again.

"I'm only kidding. We had ourselves some good practice matches in the last three days. Thank you for the match." Nekomata said.

"Yes sir! Thank you!" Takeda said as he raised up.

"And I don't care if you're not the old man. I'll show no mercy." Nekomata smirked as he opened his eyes which made Ukai and Takeda stiffen.

"And [Y/N]." Nekomata said which caught everyone's attention.

"I'm looking forward to our little gamble after the practice match." Nekomata told the boy as [Y/N] titled his head.

"I don't plan on showing you any mercy." Nekomata said which made [Y/N] shake his head.

"You're funny if you think you can beat me after ten years of losing to me." [Y/N] said as he put a hands out.

I'm actually surprised that only one person was able to catch on about what I was trying to show in the last chapter

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I'm actually surprised that only one person was able to catch on about what I was trying to show in the last chapter

I'm actually surprised that only one person was able to catch on about what I was trying to show in the last chapter

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So good job to Yukki312 for catching on!

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