No one spoke for a few moments, and Yan An's eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. He kind of looked like a school boy who was trying to process what the derivative of y equals m c squared was.

Eventually, he shook his head, "I don't know what else it could be, no. Those are the only theories I have."

"I might have one," one of the boys that Yan An dragged into the room shot his hand up slightly, and then dropped it once everyone's eyes were on him.

Yan An huffed, "Go on, then, Jeonghan."

Chan watched as the male- Jeonghan, if you would -adjusted himself on the couch and pushed his brown hair over his shoulder.

Chan had barely noticed how long his hair was. It looked nearly like Hyunjins- only longer, and a slightly lighter brown.

"Considering what Yan An had said earlier, about you both being counter parts of one another," He started, motioning towards the two of them, "In one way or another, you two are linked more than just similarly to Yin and Yang. Have you heard any of Felix's thoughts, Chan? Ever? Even if it was something you didn't exactly want to hear?"

He bit down on his lip as he glanced down at his feet. He technically did- once, anyway. He assumed that what he had heard earlier- Felix's insult towards Changbin -was something Felix intended to keep inside of his head.

Chan then lifted his head and nodded.

Jeonghan continued, "Can you say what it was he thought? If it isn't horny or something."

"Uh." The brunet turned towards Felix, then looked back at the long haired male, "It was about how stupid Changbin was for ending up on the counter. Why was he on the counter, by the way?"

Beside him, Felix coughed. "I don't know."

The other male nodded his head softly, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Yan An, and then back towards Chan and Felix, "Are you two by chance dating?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Jeonghan let out a whistle that dropped in pitch at the end, "This is a doozy to explain."

"Spit it out, Hannie, I don't think they have all day for you to sit there and put it off." The male beside him- who Chan assumed was Taeyang -pestered.

"The two of you are soul mates. The cliché middle school alternate reality fanfiction type of soul mates. I know it's a weird concept, but it's true." Jeonghan nodded his head. "And usually, yes, they are seen in situations such as yours."

Chan's breath stopped in his throat, and he turned to look at Felix, whose head was turned down with his mouth hidden in his mask.

'I knew it. I knew it.' Felix's voice echoed in Chan's head, and the phoenix raised his head slightly, and then turned his attention towards Yan An.

"It's wrong," Felix's voice shook slightly, and he raised the face mask over his nose before standing up. "We aren't soul mates. I appreciate the effort, though, Jeonghan? But I don't think it's the right assumption."

He swore he felt his heart shattering into a million pieces at that moment.

No one else spoke after that.

Yan An stood up, seconds later, walking towards the front door just as a knock rang through the room. When he turned around, though, he looked almost panicked, and pointed towards Tzuyu and Jeonghan. "Take them to the kitchen, first cabinet on the right. Down the small door and to the right. You should come up just outside the neighbors house. We can't let them see either of them."

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