As Finn's voice begun to grow louder and more angry in everyone's ears. The sound of grunting and crashing sabers rang in Amida's ears.

"Shhhh," She shushed and she helt her finger up as she faced the way of the sound from the sabers. Behind her, the boys didn't stop, Daniël wasn't the one to keep it quiet when someone said something bad about him or something he cared about.

Most of the time it ended with death, he got that from his father. They continued with their discussion "Shut up" Amida said a little bit louder. When the boys didn't stop again, she yelled "Shut it!"

They all turned her way, quiet and quick. Amida, who had turned in the process of telling, still had her vinger in the air while she turned back towards the sound.

"That's dad" Daniël said, his eyebrows raised at the surprise she had found them first. Amida turned towards him and made a perfect explanation of the words no shit, with her hands.

They walked towards the opening and walked outside, the rain fell on their body's. Water splashing against the sides of the old reck.

Daniël helt his hand in front of his face for protection. Amida and Jannah's hair flew in every direction possible.

There was nothing to be seen other then the rain that the violent wind blew into their faces. Amida walked further on the old wreck. She covered her eyes with her hand and squinted them.

"I see them!" Amida yelled over the sound of water. In the distance she saw a red light in the middle of all blue.

Finn turned towards her and saw it, too. He started running as fast as he could. Jannah went straight after him.

Daniël and Amida changed looks with both raised brown and a here we go face. The ran after them, while they were coming closer Finn started yelling.

"Rey!" He yelled, Rey slammed her saber against Rens "Reeeeyy!" Finn shouted from the top of his longs.

Rey swung her saber before turning around. She put her hand in the air and used the force "No!" She yelled and threw Finn back towards the other rebels.

Behind Rey Ren was ready to strike, he lifted his saber in the air but stopped. He made eye contact with Amida, she shook her head. He stopped, he fucking stopped.

Finn fell onto Daniël. They rolled over the ground and lay crossed onto each other. Their already wet clothes, now soaked in the water that lay on the wrecks ground.

"Get off me!" Daniël exclaimed , Finn struggled to get onto his feet. As soon as he was, he began running again.

Jannah stopped him "No! We can't follow them!" She said to him while she hang onto his arm "I can't leave her!" He said back.

Jannah looked at the storming water that was beginning to form a big wave "We can't!" She said, while looking at Finns worried expression.

"Rey!" He yelled as they all watch the two dueling force users jump over a hole in the wreck "He won't kill her" Amida said calmly, Finn looked at her.

"He won't?" He said while he walked over towards her with long strikes "He is the reason this all happened in the first place!" He yelled while pointing his finger towards Rens direction.

Amida stared at him with a straight voice "So yelling at me will change that?" She asked, Finn looked at her. Regret, confusion and anger flashing across his face.

"I, I- sorry" He stuttered, he fell on his knees. He buried his head in his head and shook it "I'm sorry" Amida lowered her chin and petted his shoulder.

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