Nodding, I pulled my knees to my chest while Madara moved to sit at the edge of the bed. "I just dreamed of Yumi dying all over again. Every time I close my eyes, I see her and the baby and the blood on my hands. And I don't think it will ever be normal again. I only knew her for three months but—" I choked up, not being able to get the words out.

"I understand how you feel, Lea. I watched all three of my younger brothers die and then, of course, my father too." My heart hurt for him and for a moment, it felt like we could share each other's pain.

I scooted over and hugged him tightly, craving the comforting feeling of being close to him. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered.

He answered by wrapping his arms around me then whispered back, "You never really get over it either. You just sort of learn to deal with it, I guess." After several quiet minutes, he pulled away and stood up. "Let's get you tucked back into bed."

I crawled under the sheets and stared up at Madara, silently willing him not to leave. He leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. "Would you like me to stay here tonight?" He questioned me. I pulled back the covers and scooted over in answer. I didn't want to be alone tonight when my mind kept showering me with horrible images.

He silently slipped under the sheets and turned to face me. Hesitantly, he reached out, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close to him. "It's going to get better," His voice rumbled in his chest, "I promise."

My tears slowed and his warm chakra gradually melted my tension, causing me to fall into a blissful sleep.


The few seconds before I opened my eyes were peaceful until remembered everything that happened yesterday. I rolled over, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to work in a few more minutes of sleep but my efforts were in vain.

Begrudgingly, I got up and dressed for the day. Madara had already rolled out of bed earlier this morning. He was very uptight about getting up early to get things done. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. Hopefully cooking would take my mind off Yumi for a little while.

I made a quick egg and rice dish and set the table. Then went to find the two brothers. "Izuna." I knocked on his door, "It's time to eat." There was no answer. "Izuna? Are you there?" Maybe he went out? "I'm coming in," I announced, then opened the door.

His bed was made and everything was in order but he wasn't there. I hummed in question then went back to the kitchen. Madara had seated himself at the table and looked up upon my arrival.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" He questioned.

"I am, thank you." I managed a small smile, then frowned. "Izuna isn't in his room. I don't know where he's at."

Madara just sighed, "I'll go find him." He stood to leave the house. "He's probably training. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I picked at a scab on my arm in nervousness as I was left alone with my thoughts again. Maybe if I knew a better or more efficient technique I could've saved Yumi. I guess I should start training my medical ninjutsu. After the funeral today, I will find someone to teach me.

It was almost thirty minutes before Madara came back, Izuna following behind him. They both looked rough and beat up; with dirt stains and bruises marring their clothes and skin. "What happened?!" I exclaimed.

Love's Test of Time (Madara Uchiha x OC)Where stories live. Discover now