V - Funeral

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slumber - Lewis Watson, Lucy Rose
Middle Of Nowhere - Vancouver Sleep Clinic


I'm not sure how long we stayed huddled on the floor beside Yumi, crying our eyes out. Eventually, we pulled apart and talked over the situation. The brothers carried Yumi to an empty room and covered her in a white sheet until we could bury her tomorrow.

We searched the house thoroughly for any poisonous substances but came up empty. Izuna said he wanted to be alone for a while and retired to his room leaving Madara and me standing in the kitchen. I mulled over any other possibilities of Yumi accidentally poisoning herself.

"The only other option is that someone poisoned her," I told Madara. "Do you remember when I felt that cold presence when our mother died? I think it's him. I think he's targeting us." I rubbed my upper arms with both hands, trying to warm the chill that had settled down my spine.

Madara moved closer and began rubbing my back with a hand. "Why do think that?"

"I'm not sure... She was most likely poisoned an hour or two before I got home." I looked down, "If only I would've been here I could've helped her faster and saved her and the child. I should've listened to her when she said she wasn't feeling good. I'm a horrible sister," I choked out and covered my mouth with a hand, beginning to sob.

"Lea, look at me." Madara moved to stand in front of me. Gently grasping my chin, he lifted it and peered into my tear-filled eyes. "You're not a horrible sister. You did the best you could. You even tried to save the child. Trust me, Yumi loves you and I know she's watching over you."

He wiped my tears with his hands before continuing. "You must be really tired. Come on, let's get you to bed." I allowed him to grab my hand and walk me to my room. He pushed back the covers and I slipped inside them, instantly warmer. He stroked my hair gently, "Are you going to be okay for tonight or would you like me to stay here?"

I shook my head, not wanting to bother him further. "I should be fine." He turned to leave but I grabbed his arm, causing him to pause and turn to me. "Thank you, Madara," I whispered to him, unable to say anything more for fear I might break down again.

"Of course," He whispered back, giving his lips a small twitch upwards in a smile before leaving and sliding the door shut silently behind him.

I rolled to my side and tried to steady my breaths. I closed my eyes and Yumi's pale face flashed in the darkness. I opened them, looking around the room, then closed them again. This time I saw her child. I kept my eyes closed and tried to picture anything else.

After what seemed like hours, exhaustion finally took over and I drifted into a fitful slumber.

Yumi's raspy gasps echoed through my brain. Her body jerking around in spasms. I tried to calm her down, "Deep breaths, Yumi! Are you in pain? Tell me where it hurts!" Then her body stilled and I pulled my hands away from her shoulders. Something sticky covered my palms and I turned them over to look. Blood stained my hands and I gasped, looking over my fingertips at Yumi. Her abdomen was cut and a baby's face stared lifelessly from it. I screamed as shock squeezed my heart.

"Lea!" A worried voice pulled me from the nightmare and I sat up, swallowing the bile that threatened to spew from my mouth. "Are you okay? Was it a bad dream?" Madara asked calmly, kneeling beside the bed.

Shakily, I looked away and wiped the sweat that beaded on my forehead. "I'm fine. I'm sorry if I woke you."

"Don't worry about me, Lea." He paused. "Do you want to talk about it?"

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