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Times goes by pretty fast if you do not have a routine and let life go with the flow. Two weeks in this world always feel like a day or two. Now that I have graduated high school I want to explore this world before I start college.
Today is a regular Wednesday, I'm hanging out with Pepper and Tony by talking a stroll in the park, I'm just listening to their wedding plans, guest list and catering and I am so excited I get to be a part of their special day. Ten years we have all been waiting for this.

"A penny for a thought?" I ask when I notice he isn't commenting as much as he normally does.
"You know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?" Pepper and I look at each other confused by where he is going with this.
"Yeah." We both say.
"Okay." He starts to get a little excited. "And then you're like: Oh my God. There's no bathrooms. What am I gonna do?" He starts to ramble.
"Your point?" I lean my chin forward trying to get him to finish his story.
"Last night I dreamt that we had a kid. It was so real." We stop at a tree. "We named him after your eccentric uncle." He points at Pep.
"Awe, Morgan." I say and he looks at me with a little surprise but not enough to question how do I know that name.
"Yes." He says excited and I smile.
"So, you woke up and thought that we were..." Pepper lets Tony finish her sentence.
"Expecting." She nods.
"No." She answers with a smile on her face.
"I had a dream about it. It was so real." I chuckle.
"If you wanted to have a kid...you wouldn't have done that." She taps the arc reactor on his chest.

The conversation gets uncomfortable and awkward so I walk away from the future bride and groom, something about this whole thing is also starting to seem too familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. I look back at the couple and quickly lock my eyes in my phone when I see them kissing. A bright orange light in front of me makes me look up from my phone and in this moment I know this is the moment I have been dreading since I got here three years ago. Dr. Strange makes an unannounced visit with a man we haven't stopped looking since Sokovia.

"Tony Stark." The wizard calls for Tony. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me." He steps out of his magic circle.
"Thanos." I whisper but everyone seems to hear me.
"Where did you hear that name?" Strange asks me, more like threatening me.
"Banner's here, right?" He nods. "Then we don't have time, he's coming." I gaze at Tony and Bruce steps out of the circle.
"Hey Tony."
"Bruce." Tony says shocked and relieved to see her science bro alive.
"Pepper. Camila." He hugs the three of us and Tony gets worried.
Tony and I follow Bruce and Stephen into the circle. I know exactly what is going on, I've seen this movie before –literally, but none of them knows, they are confused and worried about everything, I just stand there and listen to what they have to say and come with a plan.
"At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then...Boom." Wong starts doing some sort of magic to show us what happened in the beginning of time. "The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals..."
"The infinity stones." They all look at me when I mention I know what Wong is talking about. Their faces are without shock or surprise, they are frustrated. "Space." The blue stone glows and the other ones followed as I call their names. "Mind. Reality. Soul. Time and power."
"Tell me his name again." Tony sits on a couch assimilating what is happening.
"Thanos." Bruce speaks up with fear in his voice. "He's a plague, Tony." He is scared of him as we all should be. "He invaded planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population." Tony stands up from his seat to walk around the room. "He sent Loki." I look over at Bruce and I remember that Thanos already killed him. "If he gets the six stones–."
"He will." I ruin the party.
"How long have you known?" Tony is very upset and I am scared to answer. "How long?" He asks again.
"Four years." I say as quietly as possible and Tony scoffs, pretty much tired of my lies. "There's nothing you can do, you know I've tried to stop thing from happening and it doesn't work out."
"If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down a garbage disposal?" Tony points at the gem around Stephen's neck.
"No can do." He answers.
"We swore an oath to protect the Time stone with our lives." Wong explains.
"And I swore off dairy, but then Ben&Jerry's named a flavor after me." Tony jokes.
I step back and let them argue. I sit down with my phone on my hands watching the news in case something happens, until I hear my name being called. "Right, Camila?" I look up confused. "You can call Rogers."
"Yeah it's not that easy." I say and clenched my jaw.
"What do you mean?" Bruce asks.
"We haven't talked in over a year." I half smile.
"Camila, Tony, listen to me. Thor's gone." I clear my throat. "What?" I shrug my shoulders. "Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter if you're talking or not." He has a point and Tony knows it so he pulls out the flip phone Steve gave him years ago to call him.
We obviously can't get to talk to him because disaster is happening and coming towards us. We all run out to the street to see what's happening. People are screaming everywhere, I am super scared I don't want to move but I know I have to help somehow. The four of us walk closer to the donut spaceship and two aliens flash down from the ship.
"Hear me and rejoice." The skinny alien, that funny enough does look like Squidward talks. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos." I scoff. As if. "Be thankful...that your meaningless lives are now contributing..."
"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today." Tony says and I chuckle. "You better pack it up and get outta here."
"Stone keeper." The alien talks again ignoring my father. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?" He points at Tony.
"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Stephen walks to the aliens doing a magic trick which I find amazing. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." He stops in battle position and Wong does the same.
"It means get lost, Squidward." I say stealing the line from my dad which he seems very proud of.

The other alien starts walking to us and Tony suggests the Hulk to do something. "Sorry dad but the Hulk might be useless right now." He looks at me and then at Banner and he just shyly smiles.
"Okay, stand down. Camila, keep an eye on him." He says and I whine. "Don't. Just do as I say." I roll my eyes.
The alien starts to run and my dad starts to get prepared with his new suit made of nanotechnology. As he fights the alien we all just stare and prepare for whatever us coming our way.
"Where did that come from?" Banner asks.
"It's nanotech, do you like it?" He asks amused and then he flys away.
"Mr. Banner of you and you're green friend won't help us I suggest you get out of here." Strange sends us both to the park through a magic circle.
"I can help!" I yell but the circle closed. "Thanks a lot Hulk." Banner grunts in pain. "We need to help them, come on." I grab Bruce by the wrist and Tony crushes in the tree next to us.
While Bruce and the Hulk are arguing I help Tony fight the big alien while Peter is on his way. "Peter!" I yell as I freeze the alien's feet to the ground but he manages to escape hitting me and throwing me to a wall.
Peter goes after Strange and I know what that means, he is on his way to space, I don't have much time to catch up to the ship and get in. I take the only shortcut I know and make it inside the enemy ship. I see Maw preparing Stephen for torture, but I can't save him by myself, I have to wait for Tony and Peter.
I walk to the top part of the ship and find Tony arguing with Stephen's cape. "Hi." I sat quietly.
"How-wha-what are you doing here?" Tony whispers furious.
"Yeah, uh, hello." Peter says upside down. "I know what you're gonna say." He puts his hands up.
"You should not be here." Tony say. "I don't want to hear it, from either one of you." Peter and I look at each other, Peter tries to explain his situation to my dad, but he isn't having it. I don't bother to come up with an excuse and Tony doesn't bother to ask for one.
"Come on we got a situation." We all look down at Stephen who is suffering. "Okay, he's being tortured. What's your plan? Go."
"Okay, okay, um." Peter looks down, to the walls and then up at Tony. "Have you seen these really old movie, Aliens." He suggests we recreate a scene from one of the movies which is actually a genius plan.

Every villain likes to give a speech right before they are going to off the heron it's a waste of time for them, but for us gives us the opportunity to free ourselves.
"Could end your friend's life in an instant." Maw turns around weaning our presence and figuring out we are here to bat Strange out.
"I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend." Tony says pointing the palms of his hands to Maw. "Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy."
Maw intends to throw something at Tony but I interrupt.
"That's so mean, dad." Maw looks at me not knowing who to attack first.
"You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine." He is ready to kill us both.
"Yeah, that's why we have a pop-culture-obsessed kid." I say and Tony fires to the side of the ship making a whole and suctioning everything into space as Tony quickly gets to Strange and I block the hole with ice.

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