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Narrator PoV
A year later
"Emily, stay with me! Stay with me please! I can't lose you again!" Hotch yelled as he pressed down on Emily, trying to stop the bleeding coming from her stomach around the large piece of glass.
"Aaron" Emily trembled before coughing and choking on her own blood.
"Emily, don't talk, please just stay awake" Aaron begged
"A-Aaron, I-I lo-ve you... e-ve-even i-if you d-on't lo-ve me, I-I love you" Emily hesitated while coughing up more blood.
"I do love you Emily, I love you more than anything in this world and I will never give up on us, on you, okay? You are the strongest woman I know, and I know that what I did was horrible, but I thought leaving would help you, I love you so much and I will never give up on you again!" Aaron explained with tears falling down his face.
"Help! Help! Please!" Aaron yelled
"N-no one I-is co-ming, let m-me go" Emily hesitated again and painfully took Aaron's hand.
"No, no, never!"
Four Months Ago
"Emily, I just want you to be okay, I want you to get better, but I can't do that if you won't let me. I lost our baby too, and all I want is for you to get better, and I don't think that you can do that with me around. Emily didn't say anything, she was full of rage, that's really all she felt these days. Rage.
Months went by and no matter how in love Emily and Aaron were they didn't speak about anything except the kids, it was a hostile relationship and everyone on the team could tell. Emily got better, she went to therapy, and got better, she was back to being herself and realized that she probably had something better in her future. All she cared about was her kids and getting Aaron back, but she never admitted the Aaron part.
Present Day
"Emily I love you more than anything in this world and I am not giving up on you, now,don't give up on me, you hear me Em, don't give up! We are going to get   Ibomnbki j.  JJ. , we are going to have a baby girl, because all you have wanted in life is a baby girl, and our sons are going to be the best big brothers. We are going to stay together forever, and we are going to see our grandchildren and great grandchildren and we will be together until the day we die, which is not today Emily do you hear me! You are not dying today." Aaron explained.
    The team came running into the hospital each one filled with their own sadness and worry about the brunette woman who is more than just their friend, who is family. Garcia was the first one to see her, she froze outside the hospital room window as she saw the pale and weak Emily. Derek came over and took her hand as JJ and Spence followed with Rossi. They just stood there looking through the window, not only at Emily, but at Aaron who was holding onto her hand like if he let go so would Emily. Tears stained his cheeks and eyes, the tubes going into Emily's arms and one down her throat gave him the worst feeling of pain.
"Has anyone called Jess? She has the kids right?" Derek asked.
"They can't see her like this, she wouldn't want them to see her like this" JJ sighed with tears rolling down her face.
"This might be the last time they are able to see her" Reid sighed as well and held JJ's hand.
"How did this happen?" Penelope asked.
"Emily was pulled over, a drunk driver hit her and she went through the windshield, this is the best that could've come from it, at least she's not paralyzed. Hotch found her on his way home, she had a huge piece of glass in her stomach" Rossi explained and shrugged with sadness.
"We're going to get married, and have a baby girl, see our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren and we are going to be together until the day we die" Aaron repeated over and over until it was too much to handle.
"Dammit Emily! Dammit! I love you! Please come back! I love you" Aaron yelled and Rossi came running in and held him.   
"Aaron-Aaron, she will wake up, just not now, give her time, give her time" Rossi whispered and the entire team was sobbing as they saw the small event.
    More hours went by, the tube had been taken out of Emily's mouth and Aaron was at her bedside just waiting and waiting. The team stayed in the waiting room, like Aaron just waiting.
"Ah-ow" Emily sighed weakly as she began to wake up and Aaron shot up.
"Oh my god" Aaron sighed with relief.
"Y-you didn't let me go" Emily trembled as Aaron held both of her hands.
"Never Emily, I'm never going to let you go, bec-"
"Because we're going to live forever and see our great grandchildren" Emily painfully laughed
"Ow" She sighed.
"Yeah, because I want to be with you until the day we die" Aaron smiled and lightly kissed Emily.
"I love you"
"I love you more"

The end

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