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Declan PoV
Mom woke me up once we got to the sports place for Jack's game. When I started unbuckling I could hear Dad- Aaron, I could hear Aaron apologize for something, but I didn't know what. I held Mom's hand as we walked in and waiting for us was their whole team. Aunty JJ,Aunt Penelope, Uncle Derek, Uncle Reid, and Uncle Dave. I kept looking over to Aaron, he was my dad and I knew that, I never had a father but he was a good one, I wanted to call him Dad but I didn't know if I was allowed to.
"Hey Declan, why don't you go sit with Uncle Dave, i'll be right over" Mom said and she smiled at me.
Jack PoV
I was sitting on the bench before the game started and I could see mommy and daddy sitting on either side of Declan, mommy looked mad, but she was still at my game so I was happy. Coach John put me in for left offense and from the side we were defending I was near the bleacher's so I got to see my family. As I brought the ball up the field I could hear Uncle Dave cheering, before I could shoot the goalie tackled the ball, and my foot hurt a lot afterwards. I couldn't stand up and it hurt a lot. Coach John came and picked me up off the field and daddy came to get me.
Emily PoV
I watched Aaron carry Jack to the waiting area and everyone followed. Jack was crying in pain and I couldn't bear to watch.
"Mommy it hurts!" Jack yelled as I held his hand.
"I know sweet boy, I know" I replied and rubbed his back as Aaron tried to take his cleat off, but Jack's foot was already too swollen too.
"Aaron, you have to get him to the hospital" Dave said and I gave Aaron a look, agreeing with him. Aaron picked Jack up and we quickly left the sportsplex. It was about twenty minutes later when we finally reached the hospital. I was in the backseat holding Jack as Aaron drove. We pulled up to the hospital and Aaron quickly grabbed Jack as Declan and I followed. The entire team followed us there and we filled the waiting room as Jack and Aaron were with the doctor. Aaron came out and pulled me to the side, as mad as I was at him about the party-thing, it felt good to be in his arms.
"Whats going on?" I asked and he pulled me out of the hug.
"Jack has a metatarsal break, and needs surgery. I-I don't know what to do Em, he's only five, he wont be able to do anything for two and a half months, Jack-he should be playing in the snow with his friends, and playing indoor soccer," Aaron explained and I cupped his stubbly cheek.
"Aaron, he is going to be alright, its a small surgery, and Jack is strong, he takes after his father" I smiled and pulled Aaron closer then gasve him a soft kiss.
"I thought you were mad at me?" He asked as I ran my hand up and down the back of his neck.
"I can't stay mad at the man I love, especially when I was mad about something that I shouldn't of been" I explained and he pulled me closer then kissed my head.
"I love you Emily Prentiss" Aaron whispered which made me smile.
A couple minutes passed and after updating the team, we toold them to leave and Dclan, Aaron and I retreated into Jack's hospital room.
Aaron PoV
Jack asked for Emily to hold him, and knowing how soft Emily is behgind her hard shell, she immediately said yes and did so. Jacks surgery was scheduled for the day after tomorrow and he would have to stay here to be monitored. I was in Jack's room reading the boys a story when my phone started buzzing off the hook.
"I got it" Emily said and picked up my phone then left the room.
I was at Specer's apartment when Garcia texted me. We have a case. I got off the couch, untangling myself from Spencer and immediately called Hotch, i didn't want to pull him away from Jack but I had no choice.
"Prentiss" Emily picked up.
"Hey Em, we have a case, it's a bad one" I replied and I could hear her sighing over the phone.
"Um-Okay, I-I'll let Aaron know" Emily responded and I felt so bad for pulling Hotch away from Jack.
"Im sorry Em"
"It's okay, its our job" I ended the call.
Jack PoV
"The end" Daddy said after reading Declan and I a story. Mommy walked back in after the story and she looked sad. Mommy handed Daddy his phone and he turned to face her.
"There's a case, JJ said its bad" Mommy told him and she put her hand on his shoulder.
"I guess I have to go then" Daddy answered and he hugged Mommy. I didn't want him to leave, but he talked to me about it a lot, and I understood. My daddy was superhero to me, he's the best one who catches all the bad guys and mommy helps him. They are like Batman and Robin.
"Hey you two, so I have to go to work, but I'll see you both very soon, okay?" Daddy asked and I nodded.
"Okay dad" my brother replied and Daddy hugged us both.
"I love you kiddos" He whispered then got up and turned to mommy.
"Boy's, we'll be right back" Mommy said and Daddy took her hand then they left the hospital room.
Emily PoV
"JJ said it was bad, please be careful" I said and Aaron hugged me as tight as he could.
"I love you Emily" He whispered.
"I love you too, but you're crushing me and the baby" I laughed and he pulled away placing a hand on my stomach.
"Take care of our girl Em" Aaron smiled and I took his hand in mine. I will, and be safe" I replied then went back into the hospital room and Aaron went to the BAU

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