Part 1

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Hi, Im y/n, im 18 years old and am next door neighbors with the Charlie Gillespie! We still live with our parents, I know right its amazing. Me and Charlie have been best friends since birth our moms met in high school and have been inseparable since. For goodness sake they live by each other and have kids with the same birthday. We're basically twins, but the truth is recently ive been feeling things ive never felt before every time i'm with Charlie I get butterflies and nervous which really shouldn't happen ive known him my whole life. Anyway thats enough with the back story lets get to right now.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through insta when Charlie burst through the door.

"What up bestie!!!", he yelled jumping beside me on the couch.


"How are you doin today?"

"Good hbu?"

"Im good we should go get ice cream!"

"Yeah sure!"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch. I followed him out the door and into his car.

"So, what ice cream place we going to?", I asked him.

"Whatever you like.", he replied this made me blush a little but I dont think you could tell.

"Umm how about cold stone?"

"Okay sounds great lets do it!"


"Oh and I also have something important to tell you."

"What is it?", I got a little scared hes never this serious.

"I'll tell you over ice cream.", now hes really scaring me who bad is it to have to have ice cream to go with it.

"Is it bad?"

"No its just gonna change some things.", my mind starting going a mile a minute what does he mean, does he have a girlfriend, is he moving, how bad are things gonna chanage, what if were never friends again, what if this ruins my whole.

"Hey, hey, hey breathe, its okay don't stress, I promise it'll be okay.", hes known about my anxiety since I got it when my dad got cancer when I was 11 and I was always worried about him, hes doing good now and been two years cancer free.

"Thanks Charlie."

"Anything.", he said giving me a quick smile and looking back to the road.

(A/n Thank you so much for reading this story. There will be pictures in it and just pretend its you and Charlie.)

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