"Dude, that's nasty." the guy said, bursting out laughing with A-Train.

"They're laughing." Hughie said, gripping the girl's hand back "Just... Like she's a joke. They're fucking laughing." he stared at the computer screen like he could explode the guys head with his mind.

Butcher got closer to the kid, whispering next to his ear.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" him and Hughie exchange a look that says it all.

The three walk to the next bar they see, getting a table far away from the other patrons inside. (Y/n) sat beside Hughie, still holding his hand and drawing invisible circles with her thumb.

"They're all like that? All of them? Even Homelander?" the kid asked.

Billy looked around, checking if anyone was watching.

"Homelander is an exception. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. Man's a saint. But the rest of them, yeah." he grabbed a file from beside him and put it on the table "Pardon my French, but fuck those fuckers." he handed Hughie the file "Here. Have a look at that."

"What are these?"

"That's the police log the day that Robin got murdered." the kid opened the file, passing through some pages "Couple of bar fights. A few cars got nicked. But you know what's not in there? No bank alarms going off. No one charged at Central Booking. A-Train stopped two bank robbers, my arse."

"So it was a personal thing. Maybe he was looking for something important." the girl stopped to think.

"Could be, he had a bag. I don't know what dodgy shit he was up to that night. Why couldn't he stop? I mean, what was in that bag? You know, who was he running from?" Butcher began to speculate.

"Where was he running to?" Hughie concluded.

"Bingo. Work that out and we'll have the fucker, I can smell it." he said, adjusting himself on the seat, getting more comfortable.

"Wait, work that out? Aren't you a fed? He's just a civilian, how the hell would he help you?" (Y/n) asked confused, wasn't Butcher supposed to just present the case to Hughie, get his approval and that's all?

"He's gonna help me big time, sweetheart" he then turned to the kid, beginning to explain the plan "Ring Vought, tell'em you'll take the money, sign the NDA, but only if A-Train's there in person when you do it."

Hughie interrupted him, or rather, tried to.

"Why does A-Train have to be there?"

"Then they'll take you to the Seven Tower through security, mate, then you're gonna plant a bug."

"A bug?" Hughie asked again, trying to catch up, just thinking about how suicidal this plan is.

"A bug. And we'll have a little listen. See what's really going on." Billy smiled, laughing inside about catching what shit's they were doing there.

"Okay, let me just... Sorry, let me just get this straight. You want me to go to the Seven Tower by myself and plant a bug? Like I'm fucking James Bond." Hughie concluded, his mouth hanging open completely appalled.

"Yeah, exactly. You got it." Butcher smiled smugly.

"You're fucking FBI, get a warrant." (Y/n) said, crossing her arms beneath her breasts and leaning on the chair.

"Why do you even need me?" the kid asked, hand fidgeting on his lap.

"Hughie, Hughie, look, mate, I got a warrant, all right? But that place is firewalled, untappable and locked up thicker than a nun's knickers. I couldn't get myself in there in a million years. But you, son, you can do it." he pointed at the kid, trying to convince him, but he's more hesitant than he thought.

"No, no, I can't, okay?" he began, stuttering as he always did when nervous.

"Yeah." Butcher tried again, his smile faltering slowly.

"You didn't see A-Train covered in... And-and I'm supposed to go in there and I'm supposed to shake his hand... And smile?" he doubted himself, finding the guy's offer strange as fuck.

"Yeah!" Billy leaned over the table, waiting for an answer from him "I'm not... Do you know who my favorite musician is?"


"James Taylor." (Y/n) rolled her eyes and pulls her head back, Hughie could be so boring at times "Number two, Simon and Garfunkel. Number three, Billy Joel. Any of those guys they don't infiltrate." Butcher scratched his beard, looking over at the girl next to Hughie "Okay? I'm not an infiltrator."

"Hughie, Hughie, grow a pair, you heard that cunt laughing at your girl." Butcher said, that seemed to be the last straw.

"No. No. No." Hughie got up and kept waving at Billy "No, I can't. I can't do that." he went next to the side of the table, where the exit was close to "I'm sorry, I'm just gonna fuck it up, and you're not gonna have your bug." he began panting "And I'll be dead. I'm not like you." and he left the bar.

"Yeah, that was something." the girl said, getting up from her chair "Never seen him more afraid in my life, except the day Robin died." she continued, smiling awkwardly "Well, if he changes his mind, I'll call you." she extended her arm and gave him a pen, he wrote his phone number and then she gave him her card.

He took a look at it, before turning to her smiling smugly again.

"So you're a graduate in Med school?" he asked, leaning on his chair to look up at her.

"Not yet, but only a few months left." she said smiling proudly, she fought so much for this degree.

"So I can't call you Doc yet." he laughed.

"Not formally, but with that accent I'll let you call me anything." she flirted, placing her hand on the table and getting really close to his face.

His smile disappeared from his face, leaving a lust filled look. He licked his lips waiting for something, but just like the last time she just placed her hand on his beard and slided it away from his face, leaving only a ghost of a touch on his cheek.

She left the place, closing the door behind her and panting right outside of the bar. She wished she didn't always get so nervous when flirting with people. Maybe she wasn't used to it, because flirting with Hughie never led to anything, so having a person matching her own skills was new. She went home smiling while thinking about what that mouth and beard could do to her.

While she was gettin home, Butcher sighed for the third time in fifteen minutes. He was left with the biggest blue balls since Becca. He was sure he would call her sooner or later.

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