Chapter 13

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As they moved on to the location of a crime, probably committed by the female, they explained what happened while she was asleep. Long story short, they got in, Frenchie freed the supe girl, she killed most men there and Hughie now has a date to look forward to. Which she wasn't too happy to know about, but Butcher convinced her that it was just to get information. He told her that the kid actually thought that Starlight was a good person, but soon he would find out and he would come back crying his ass off. She laughed a little when he said that, his raspy voice tickling her ears as he had to say it pretty close to her head for Hughie not to hear it.

They arrived at the crime scene, while Hughie was away with Starlight, parking a little further away from the place to not be suspicious. Butcher handed Frenchie and MM fake ID's and fake badges and told the girl to stay in the van. (Y/N) didn't want to be told what to do once again, but she was too pissed to even care for what was happening. So, when they got back to the car, she only asked:

"Where to next?" she said while laying down on the back of the van.

"Penn Station. Frenchie has a hunch that she might be making her way back home." MM answered, entering the vehicle and sitting in front of her.

"Hughie still on his date?" she asked.

"If he hasn't fucked up yet, probably, yes." Frenchie responded, joking while looking at her through the rear view mirror.


When it was time for them to look for the girl in the station, Butcher told them that maybe splitting up would be a better idea.

"Platforms, ground floor, I'll take upstairs." he pointed to MM first and then Frenchie "Whoever pings her, get onto Frenchie and stick with her till we use the gas, alright? (Y/n) you're with me." he said, turning his back and starting to walk away, but he didn't feel her coming with him, so he turned around and saw her following MM instead, she only gave him a shrug and smiled in a way that he deemed 'diabolical'.

As they were looking around MM received a message from Frenchie saying that he found her in the Tec Store. So they ran there as fast as they could, but when they arrived, the French man was frantic, looking around the place. Butcher arrived just as quickly as she and MM.

"Frenchie. Did you see her? Which way did she go?" Butcher asked him.

"I don't know." he continued to search, worry on his face.

"Did you try to gas her?"


"Why?!" the girl got closer to the man, asking him, almost screaming.

"It didn't seem right!" he responded.

"You went off plan because it didn't seem right?" MM asked, grabbing his jacket and turning him around.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Let's just calm down and continue to look." the girl placed her hand on Frenchie's shoulder, trying to stabilize him.


They found her at some point, running through the crowd of people and jumping in the train tracks. They ran after her, but A-Train passed by them carrying her and they began to fight next to the tracks. The hero was banging the woman's head on the wall when Frenchie screamed.

"A-Train! Look everybody, it's A-Train!"

That seemed to take his attention off of the female, beginning to take pictures and autographs for the people there. They used that as a distraction to follow the woman into another area of the station that was empty. The woman soon became cornered by the four, looking desperately for a way out. Butcher was about to throw the gas at her, but Frenchie stopped him.

"No. Let me talk to her."

"Don't be fucking stupid."

"What if she's a Spice Girl?" he asked him, already walking to the woman.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" (Y/n) asked MM, her brows furrowing.

"You don't wanna know." he said back.

Just as they thought that Frenchie had her, the woman attacked him, jumping on the man, throwing him to the ground. And that was the cue that Butcher needed to gas them both. They fell limp against each other, sleeping soundly after mere seconds. Billy slapped MM's chest and pointed to the two on the ground.

"Grab him, I'll grab her."


They managed to bring her to their hideout, chaining her next to a mattress, where they laid her on. They placed Frenchie on a sofa they had, sitting on a few chairs they had, feeling tired and beat up. They stayed as they were until Hughie arrived, a big ass smile on his face.

"I assume all went well?" the kid said, leaning on the table.

"Yes, we got the female." Butcher sighed, almost laying down on the chair he was sitting on.

"And I assume all went well with Annie too?" MM asked, his arm covering his face.

"Yup! And... I planted the bug." he said, but not quite as happy as before.

"Good, you're finally growing up." the girl laughed on her own, getting up from the chair.

Hughie only grimaced, trying to ignore the jealous young adult. The girl grabbed a rag and soaked it in water, being watched by the other three men there. She was going to where the female was sleeping, but Butcher grabbed her wrist, turning her around to face him.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked her, one brow lifted.

"I'm gonna tidy her up, she doesn't look exactly comfortable." she ripped her hand from his grip and continued on her way.

The man thought about going after her, but thought that it was best to not continue to anger her and let her do what she wanted. And she did, cleaning the woman's face gently and slowly, making sure she didn't wake up. Which didn't exactly help, because she began to stir awake. The girl stopped in her tracks, afraid that if she moved the supe would kill her, however, later that day, she thought that maybe moving away fast would've been a better idea.

The female grabbed (Y/n) wrist that had the rag, twisting it slightly to the side, but causing immense pain. She groaned, her face scanning the woman's. The men behind her were on edge, ready to fight or even kill the woman to help the girl.

"I-I'm sorry." she smiled, but her face still showed agony "I was just cleaning you." she held her other hand up, showing that she was doing any harm nor planned to do so.

The woman kept her grip strong on the girl's wrist for a while, looking her up and down, before letting it go fast right after. The girl scurried away from the female, the rag long forgotten on the floor, her face showing nothing but fear. Butcher helped her stand up, holding her waist and one of her arms, hoisting her up from the ground. The man used his arm on her side to bring her away to the chair she was once sitting on, but before that he whispered in her ears.

"Don't ever think of doing that again, love." he said, the hand on her side pressing a little bit harder.

Naked (Billy Butcher X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora