Chapter 10

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They rode to a juvenile house, but it looked mostly like a penitentiary. Butcher told her that they were going to meet a friend of his, ask him to help with taking down the supes. When they entered she noticed how clean the place was, something unusual for places like these. Billy talked to the receptionist, asking for a man named Marvin. She led them to a closed space, an office with big windows and a door that led to an area with ping pong tables. A few teenagers were messing with each other and a man that looked like he was scolding two of them, were inside the other room.

The girl sat on the chair that was visible from the other room and Butcher stood behind the door, ready to surprise the man.

He saw the girl in his office and received a wave and a small smile, so he hurried there, hoping everything was fine, since he had never seen her before. He entered his office, closing the door behind him, but seeing with the corner of his eye a man standing on the wall. MM turned to the man, receiving a cynical smile from Butcher.

"Oh, hell no." he said angrily, walking to his desk "What the fuck do you want?"

"What? I can't visit me old mate? Rekindle the unbreakable bonds of brothers-in-arms?"

"Nope." he answered sitting on his chair.

"Come on, MM." he walked closer to the desk, opening his arms for a hug.

"Look, if it's all the same, let's just cut the small talk. All you're gonna do is lie and say how you're doing fine and I'm gonna lie and pretend like I'm happy to see you. Why are you here? And what is she doing here?" he asked, not believing Butcher's barefaced attitude.

"Hi, I'm new." the girl said, getting up from her chair "And that was my cue to leave you two to it." she winked at Billy, receiving a gentle smile in return.

She walked out of the office, waiting in the reception for what would happen next. After some time Butcher came out of the office smiling like a kid who found money on the ground. MM agreed to go with them, but they would have to wait for his shift to end, which would happen in a few minutes.

When MM came out of his office they headed for another person, who would lend Butcher a small truck, a decoy to make them invisible to suspicion. It was a normal rental truck, a few cables and wires were connected to a few computers. They walked around inside the vehicle, (Y/n) was amazed at how such a disguise existed and MM was apprehensive about it all.

"By the way, who are you again?" he asked the girl.

"I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you." she said with a nod of her head.

"Mother's Milk." he extended his hand and waited for her to shake it, which she did right away "What made such a young girl do this kind of thing?"

"I got tangled up in all of this." she responded, shrugging.

"There's still time, you know?" MM said, serious on the girl's decisions, he knew the cost of this life, knew that once you were in, you would never get out.

"I know, it's just... Someone important to me is in it too, so I gotta protect them, you know?" she lowered her head down, a sad smile playing on her lips "Plus, I'm kind of the group's lucky charm." she whispered to him, bringing the humour back with a silly smirk.

Suddenly a few rhythmic knocks came from the truck's door.

"Bang on time." Butcher smiled at the two, going to the door to open it up.

Hughie entered the truck confused, but extended his hand to MM, hoping for a hand shake, but the man only looked strangely at his gesture.

"Uh, hi. Hughie." he simply said, but as Frenchie came out from behind the kid, MM pushed Hughie to the side and hurried to try to punch the french man.

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