Chapter 12

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"Fucking hell." Butcher said, looking as shocked as Hughie, Frenchie and (Y/n).

"You said it." MM commented "She's been at it for an hour."

"How'd you know to keep an eye on her?"

"Okay. You see that red case over there? I've been around long enough to know a fix kit when I see one." he explained to Butcher, who lowered himself down to see the screen better "And she told A-Train that V's a slippery slope. So she's got experience. I figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty."

"Sherlock fucking homie." Billy joked.

After some time, there was a knock on her door, and the girl was afraid that the supe would kill the first one to enter her apartment. However, she was actually polite and acted quite normal. It was the landlord, asking for the rent, just as they had seen earlier. Popclaw began flirting with the man, making the girl watching the screen kind of excited. She was a big fan of the hero and always wanted to see some action from her.

The two on the camera changed clothes, getting into their roles for the upcoming sexy times. They began acting out their parts, and at some point, Popclaw sat on the guy's face, first with no force, but then, she started to suffocate him. Her claws were out, and she stuck them on the ground to make more pressure. Hughie was getting agitated, as were the whole group, but the kid seemed to be the more impressionable.

"He can't breathe." he said, trying to get out of the van, but Butcher held him.

"No, wait. Hold on. Not so fast." he turned Hughie around, pointing him at the screen again.

The supe continued on her journey to completion, finally achieving it when the guy's head popped open behind her. Hughie gasped at the sight, the other four weren't feeling that well, but they weren't surprised.

"I thought I had signed for a porno, not for a snuff movie." the girl joked, her back to the wall of the van as she sat down behind the boys, Frenchie kicked her spread leg slightly after giving a snort "What?" she whispered back to him, and he pointed to Hughie, showing that the kid wasn't taking it as well as her.

The woman soon got up from the ground, sitting on the bed and seeing the mess she had made. She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You let that guy die." Hughie said.

"He was dead when he knocked at her door." (Y/n) said, crossing her arms.

"And he didn't do anything wrong." the kid continued.

"He was dead already." Butcher too tried to explain.

"That's bullshit."

"So you can cross a street, run up four flights of stairs in ten seconds like some supe, can you?" Billy said to Hughie "And even if you have got there, she would have clawed your fucking head off. Now we got her right where we want her."

"What? What are you talking about?" the kid asked.

"I don't get this one either." the girl said, looking confused at the man.

"You two are smart lads, but you ain't twigged to the one weakness they all got." Butcher said while putting his coat on "Their reputations." he turned to leave "Come on, Frenchie."

(Y/n) got up, planning to go with them, but Billy held her waist right as she was leaving the van, turning her back inside. She furrowed her brows, not understanding what he was doing.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his head tilting to the side a little, as he always did.

"With you." she said fast, blushing softly and saying it again "Going with you guys."

"You ain't coming with us." he simply said, hoping that was enough to make her stay, but it wasn't.

"I've seen bodies worse than that, why can't I come?" she crossed her arms, lifting one of her brows, asking for a real answer.

"It isn't safe, mon ange." Frenchie said, trying to help Butcher "She might jump on our necks as we enter."

"So, you shouldn't go either." she felt her eyes hot, like she was about to cry, but she held it up, not wanting them to protect her more than they already did.

Frenchie shrugged and made a comprehensive face, like he knew he didn't have a say in this. The girl saw them both leave, earning a snicker from Hughie. She turned to him as fast as lightning, making the kid stop on his tracks, but soon going back to normal and talking trash.

"Not the favorite child anymore." he joked, MM looking up at him, like he said some mad shit.

"At least I was at some point." she smiled devilishly at him, her face red from holding the crying "I'm gonna buy something to eat." so, she left the van, wiping her eyes from the unfallen tears, and walking fast to the first food stand she could find.


The next day, Frenchie, MM, Hughie and (Y/n) were inside the french man's van, waiting close to the place A-Train picked Compound V. Hughie and (Y/n) were just slacking off on the back, the kid was messing with his phone and the girl was sleeping, a pretty heavy sleep, since she was trying to get her sleep schedule normal again.

At some point Frenchie noticed that a guy had a gun and saw him going to the meeting place.

"About time we see something." MM said, grabbing his jacket and getting out with Frenchie.

"What about her?" Hughie asked, pointing at the still sleeping girl next to him.

"She's staying." Frenchie answered, locking the car after the kid stepped out.

"She's gonna be pissed." he commented, laughing inside, his little revenge coming to him slowly.

"Not my call. Butcher's orders. Nothing we can do about it." MM said, shrugging and showing his unhappiness with his face "Let her sleep before the storm comes too close."


When (Y/n) woke up, she noticed how it was quiet inside the van. Without opening her eyes she called for the boys, not a sound was made. So, she finally looked around, shocked to see that she was alone in the vehicle, her words only reverberating back to her. She sighed, wondering if they only left to get some food and relax a little, but when she tried to open the back door, she noticed that it was locked. Her eyes went wide open, she rushed to the front seats, checking both doors, locked too.

"Motherfuckers!" she screamed, punching the seat and sitting back on her spot "Whose idea was it?!" she placed her arms on her legs and her head on her hands, right now hating every single one of them.

She hit her feet on the ground, shaking the whole van, and screamed/growled full on anger and disappointment. As she was calming down, she heard a familiar snicker coming from the back of the van.

"Hughie?!" she screamed at the kid "Get me the fuck out of here!" she punched the backdoor, hearing him give out a little scream as he got scared by the noise "Open this shit up right now!" she continued to bang on the door.

Her banging stopped when she heard the car keys opening the van up.

The scene Butcher saw when he looked inside the van could be comical, she had her arms crossed and was standing, as tall as she could with the ceiling of the van not being too high. He gave her his signature side smile and stepped a little to the back for her to get out of the vehicle, which she did by jumping right in front of him, getting as close as to almost touch his nose with hers, daring the man to get that smile off his face. Which he did, rolling his eyes and sighing, waiting for her to begin shouting at him.

"I'm just gonna wait for the next time you pull this shit on me." she said, her eyes travelling from the man's own eyes to his mouth, then she turned to the other three while still standing in front of Butcher, who gave her a frightful stare, which even they couldn't place the slight fear they felt "If you three follow him again on this stupid fucking choice, you'll regret it." she warned them, and they nodded their heads slowly, earning an angry glare from her "So what the fuck happened?" she looked at Butcher again, crossing her and lifting one of her brows, her mindset now turning to her 'work' again.

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