Chapter 20

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The group left the next day to talk to Rayner about the new Supe terrorist. MM even talked about seeing his daughter, which Rayner agreed upon with the information given.

"Okay, so give me the description for this guy."

"All right, uh, about five-ten, 165, black hair, wearing knockoff jeans and sneakers, probably from Taiwan, maybe India." MM gave the description.

"You got all that from the video?" Hughie furrowed his brows.

"So, the other shoe drops, and it just crushes us all." Rayner started laughing.

"Meaning?" MM asked, curious.

"Meaning I've been trying to put this puzzle together, and there's a missing piece and it's been driving me nuts. And I think you just handed it to me."

"Okay, so, then, what's the whole picture?"

"The whole picture, it's Vought! It's a fucking coup from the inside."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Hughie asked.

Rayner's nose started to bleed, a thick droplet dripping on the floor.

"Uh, ma'am, your nose." Hughie pointed out.

The woman touched her nose and looked at the group, right before her head was blown off. Blood was everywhere, covering the group and the cars around them.

"Fuck!" MM shouted, grabbing his gun and aiming nowhere in particular "Let's get the fuck out of here!"

Frenchie, Hughie and MM headed back to the van, (Y/n) and Kimiko were already inside.

"Holy shit!" the girl exclaimed.

Hughie couldn't stop shouting, panic installing quite quickly in his system.

"Come on! Get in! Go, go, go, go!" Frenchie shouted, closing the door behind him "Must be a Supe out there."

MM started driving away from the place, moving his head around, afraid that it might explode too.

"Are our heads gonna explode?" Hughie grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"Frenchie, who do you know who could do that?" MM asked.

"No one!"

"Are our heads gonna explode?!" the kid shouted again.

"No, Hughie! Shut the fuck up!" (Y/n) started shaking.


The boys hurried to their hideout, covered in blood and guts. The cleaning took some time, but they managed to appear at least like they weren't in a war. Hughie was using the sink and removing brain parts from his hair, MM was finishing the second bottle of hand sanitizer, Frenchie had some wipes with him and (Y/n) and Kimiko were sharing a towel after a short bath.

"Fuck, Hughie." MM started, rubbing his hands together "So glad you got us into this shit."

"She had a husband. Right? A kid?" the kid asked.

"Two kids." Frenchie answered.

"And I got her killed."

"You didn't, honey." (Y/n) walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder "It wasn't us it was after."

"How do you know?"

"Because our brains aren't all over the dash, that's how. Someone was watching her. And the minute she said something that she wasn't supposed to?" MM made a splat sound with his mouth, moving his hands around like a bomb.

"Somebody from Vought? So, we're saying that Vought may have just assassinated the deputy director of the CIA."

"And we're now in the middle of that, too. Happy now, motherfucker?" MM joked at Hughie.

"Lay him off, MM." (Y/n) said, earning a sigh from the man.

Hughie soon got a call, probably from Starlight, and turned his attention to his cellphone. The other four went on with their activities, until a man fell down the stairs. The boys stopped and stared at the body. The other man inside the hideout came out with their guns pointed at the top of the stairs.

Soon, boots came into view and Butcher appeared with a quite unusual attire, a sweatsuit, and a duffle bag.

"Alright, easy does it, lads. Easy does it." he said, with his signature smile on his face "Like I tried to tell this cunt I'm with that lot." he pointed at the boys.

Frenchie smiled and told the guys to lower their weapons. (Y/n) wanted to cry, or punch him, or hug him, she didn't know which, but she knew that none of that would fix the hole he left when he didn't answer either her phone calls or messages. Would a 'I'm okay' kill him?

"What the fuck are you wearing?" MM asked.

"That is a good question."

"You called him?" Hughie turned to Frenchie.

"I'm sorry, Petit Hughie. It's not a game now. We need a real captain."

"Frenchie's right. This is a fucking mess, son. We got a Supe terrorist, Rayner's blown her canister, and we're the most wanted cunts in the country." he got closer to Hughie "But don't you worry. Daddy's home." he smiled devilishly at the kid.

The man soon set his eyes on the girl, an angry face, but sad eyes, her posture looked rigid and cold. The rest of the group decided to leave them two alone, walking away slowly and seamlessly.

"Well, love?" Butcher side smiled "Give me everything you've got."

(Y/n) groaned and stomped her way to the man, who had closed his eyes waiting for a slap or a punch to the face. However, he didn't expect to be received with a tight hug around his waist. It sure got him stumped. Was she truly as attached as MM said? Well, now, it didn't matter much, he knew that Becca was alive and well. This soon would end.

"I fucking hate you so much." she said with her head buried in his clothes.

"I'm sure you do." Billy wrapped his arms around her, why did it feel like a weight was pulled off his back?

She let him go, slowly looking up at him, their faces were pretty close and Butcher was sure that she would kiss him, but a pain in his stomach made him curve forward just a bit.

"You're lucky we're not actually alone." she cleaned her eyes, tears threatening to fall, and walked away.

Did she just punch him in the gut?

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