Chapter 16

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The walk back to their 'lair' was uncomfortable to say the least. Hughie was kind of casted out because of the talk Butcher and (Y/n) had. Billy was completely miserable, just having to remember Becca always brought something dark to his mind. And (Y/n) was feeling awkward, even though the man said that she wasn't exactly in the wrong, she felt like was being scolded.

Nonetheless, the air got even heavier when they got to the hideout. Frenchie, MM and the woman weren't there, making Butcher extremely angry and worried.

"They fucking did exactly what I told them not to do." Billy hit his closed fist against the wooden table.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Hughie asked, sitting down on the sofa beside (Y/n), who had rested her neck on the sofa's arm, pushing her feet against his side softly, almost playfully.

"I got an idea." Butcher said, grabbing his phone and ringing MM "Where are you?" he said when the man answered "Really? Fucking magic, that place. What did you get?" he waited a few seconds "Does it taste like lies? I got your phone linked to my Find-Your-Shithead-Friends app. Now, where the fuck are you?"

While Billy was talking to MM, (Y/n) continued pushing her feet against Hughie. The boy turned to her, ready to tell her to fuck off, but her face made him stop. She had her phone in her hands and a silly smile on her face, her eyes still on the device. He noticed that she was just messing with him, but he didn't want to indulge in it, so he decided to just make her stop.

"Would you stop-" he started, but the look she gave made him stop and form a smile of his own.

She had the biggest smile he'd seen on her and now she was looking directly at him, kicking his side a little harder when he looked at her. He couldn't help but toy with her just as much as she was doing with him. Hughie, then, pinched her leg, making her pull the limb closer to herself, massaging the place from the slight pain. However, her face didn't change, the playful smile was still there. (Y/n) stuck her foot next to his face, pushing his cheek slightly, her smile a little smaller this time.

"Will you stop being an asshole?" she said, now looking at the side, and dropping her foot to the sofa again.

"Do I want to?" he seemed to stop and think, his hand on his chin, as if he was thinking hard "Nah." he joked, pinching her leg again.

"You bitch." the girl said, getting up from her position, now sitting on the couch, and slapping his arm not too hard "I can't stay mad at you for long. Besides, I gotta protect your dumbass self." she joked, punching his arm slowly.

"YOU gotta protect ME? Isn't it the other way around?" he said, placing his hand on her face and pushing her slightly and softly.

"Well, not with the look Butcher is giving you right now." she smiled, pointing behind the boy.

Billy had his arms crossed in front of his body, looking down at the kid and an angry look on his face as if he just caught his lover with his friend.

"Good to see you two finally getting along. Now, stop with the fucking chit chat!" he said it a bit louder, grabbing Hughie by the collar of his shirt and pulling him up, dragging him to the door "Let's go, love." he turned to her, after throwing the kid out the door.


The three arrived at the location and Butcher knocked on the door, which was answered by MM.

"Gentlemen." he said, sighing.

Hughie, Butcher and (Y/n) entered the house, turning to the couch to see a man with an improvised splint.

"Wow. Mesmer. Hello." Billy said, waving his fingers at the man "Big fan. Be with you in a minute."

As MM talked to Butcher and Hughie joined Frenchie and the female on the corner, (Y/n) got closer to the man. He flinched back, afraid of the girl breaking his other arm as the woman did earlier.

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