Chapter 17

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When they got back, Hughie's dad and MM's family were already there. Butcher approached the father, hoping to present himself.

"Mr. Campbell." he said, entering the room.

"Oh! Yeah." the man said, getting up from the couch.

"Pleasure to meet you. Billy Butcher." the man extended his hand.

"Hugh Campbell." Hughie's dad presented himself, being a little speechless, probably from not knowing what was going on.

"You got a hell of a lad there." Butcher complimented the kid.

"Well, yeah. He's all mine." the man looked at his son and smiled, turning to (Y/n) right after and walking towards her "You're (Y/n), right?" he softly grabbed her arm, getting her attention.

"Yup. How are you, Mr. Campbell?" she asked, smiling kindly at him.

"Thank you for taking care of Hughie." he moved his hand to hers, shaking it slightly "If it wasn't for you, Hughie would've been in a much darker place." he murmured it to her, but his son heard it quite well.

"Yes, dad, spoil her. She's already full of herself." Hughie joked.

"Nobody compliments me here. Maybe I need some flattery." the girl shrugged, suddenly hearing a slap coming from behind her.

She turned to the sound, seeing MM's wife looking angry at Butcher and his face turned to the side.

"Good to see you." he fake smiled, walking to the kitchen and taking off his trenchcoat.

The girl walked to the woman, hoping to introduce herself. A woman that hit Butcher not caring if he punched back was a perfect person to have as a friend and not an enemy.

"H-hi. I'm (Y/n)." she presented herself, extending her arm in her direction.

"I'm Monique." she smiled faintly, still not knowing if she trusted her.

"We've got some pens and papers. Want me to bring some for the cutie?" she asked, trying to be kind and helpful.

"That'd be wonderful, honey." now the woman smiled more openly.

She asked Kimiko if she could borrow the things for the little girl and the woman signed that it was okay to do so. Monique thanked her and watched, with a contained smile, (Y/n) draw and play with the little girl, trying to take her mind off the situation.


After some hours, cars came to the front of their hideout. The group panicked and grabbed their guns, having Hughie and (Y/n) hide MM's family and his dad. Turns out, it was only Mallory coming to collect them, hoping to keep them safe while all this mess was still going on.

Right as Mallory left with the three, Hughie received a call from Annie. She wanted to meet up with him, have him explain why the fuck he was a wanted man now. He agreed to it, leaving right after the call. However, Butcher had heard every word of that interaction. And he planned to follow the boy, afraid that the supe would actually kill the kid.

"With me, love." he said to the girl, grabbing a 'supe gun' to help aid the boy.

"You're not taking that, are you?" she asked, pointing at the machinery.

"Of course I'm taking it. If not, he'll have a light pole up his ass when he comes back. IF he comes back at all." he arched his brows, smiling smugly "This-" he lifted the gun on his shoulder "Will ensure he's back here safe."

The girl sighed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to deescalate the situation.

"Okay, but I'm hoping you won't actually use it."

Naked (Billy Butcher X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora