Chapter 11. Captured.

Start from the beginning

The two scouts stood back there, their eyes widened. One of the shakily picked up his horn, blowing in it to signal that Y/n had been spotted.

Seconds later, Y/n blasted up the stairs to the herbalist, only coming to a stop once she had entered the green house, immediately spotting an old woman, "Hello, I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I need some medicine for my friends, they have fevers and they were coughing-"

"Settle down, lass." The old woman caught her off, which made Y/n take a deep breath, "Your friends are going to be fine. I've been up here for over forty years you know, used to be others, but they all left years ago." She told the girl, starting to pet the white, fluffy cat on top of the table, making it purr while leaning further into her hand, "Now it's just me an Miyuki."

"That's nice." Y/n gave the herbalist a thin smile, nodding.

"Wounded Earth Kingdom troops still come by now and again," The herbalist told, starting to fill her little bowl with herbs, "Brave boys, and thanks to my remedies they always leave in better shape than when they arrive."

"That's nice." Y/n nodded, only listening with one ear, "Are you almost done?" She asked the woman, nodding down to the bowl in her hands.

"Hold on, I just need to add one last ingredient." She replied, walking away from the table, Y/n could hear her muttering to herself as she walked in between the plants and herbs.

Y/n sighed, leaning against the table, she tapped her foot impatiently, watching the woman walk around her green house.

"Ah! Plum blossom!" She exclaimed in a happy voice, making Y/n perk up. The woman plucked a flower from the tree in front of her. She dropped the flower into the mixture in the bowl and in a matter of seconds, Y/n had her hands on it, "Thanks for all your help!"

She went to pull the bowl out of the herbalist's hands but the woman was having none of it and delivered a slap on the back of her hand with her spoon, "HANDS OFF!!" The woman ordered, causing Y/n to recoil.

Scary woman.

"Ow!" Y/n complained, holding her hand.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The herbalist asked, her spoon at the ready for a new attack.

"Uh, taking the cure to my friends." Y/n answered as if it was obvious, which it was, for her at least.

The herbalist lowered her spoon, laughing at the young girl before her, "This isn't a cure! It's Miyuki's dinner." She answered, placing the bowl in front of her cat, "Plum blossom is her favourite."

Y/n exhaled sharply before deadpanning, "What about my friends?!" She asked, slightly annoyed with her time being spilled.

"Well, all they need are some frozen wood frogs." The herbalist replied, intertwining her fingers, "There's plenty down in the valley swamp."

The Airbender frowned in confusion, "What am I supposed to do with frozen frogs?"

"Why, suck on them of course!"

"Suck on them? The frogs?" Y/n blinked, happy that she wasn't the sick one.

"The frog skin excretes a substance that will cure your friends. Be sure to get plenty because once those little critters thaw out, they're useless!" The woman claimed.

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