7: A New Friend

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Shortly after, the relaxed ambience compelled back into the same level of sobriety as before. Her friendly face completely changed into a cautious, dour mien. "Your friend, [F/N]... I hate to break this to you, dear, but you shouldn't put all of your trust into that girl..."

"I was going to ask you about her.. That day where I had to face that Dornröschen or... you. She put me to sleep with whatever skill she used. Is it.. possible that she's also related to the Huge?" Her lips formed a pensive frown. "I can see why you'd think that but no. G.E.H.E.N.A does an awful job on boosting Lilies' abilities, and that girl is involved with them."

"W-Wait. She was with G.E.H.E.N.A?! Well, I can see why; she was experimented on." Your mother turned her head sideways as a sign of disagreement. "[F/N] was experimented on, however, what I meant was: she's working for them. She's likely informing G.E.H.E.N.A about you, and the way you described that skill of hers sounds unethical... You'll have to be vigilant when she's around, dear."

With downcast eyes, you let out a long, heartbreaking sigh. "Does that mean... I can't be friends with her anymore, mom? I love [F/N], and I even consider her as family.. Is this what the truth does? Does it pull apart friendship and family just like that?"

A rueful grin replaces the scowl on your mother's face, nodding. "As I have told you before, the world is cruel and destiny awaits everyone, including you, dear." You scoffed in disbelief. "I think destiny is just as subjective as reality. We all hope to live in a fearless world, but can one sensibly hope to nullify all calamities considering their strengths and weaknesses?"

The older woman arranges you to lay your head on her lap. Stroking your hair, she questioned, "Then what will you do?" Eyes shut, you answered confidently, "[F/N] is family to me, and I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I'll do everything I can to protect everyone not only at Yurigaoka but other Gardens as well. Even if it costs me my life, I'm willing to go as far as possible. That is what I'll do, mom."

A tenderhearted smile forms on her cheeks, and the shorter woman dips down to lightly brush her lips against your forehead. "Then, I shall support you from afar," Her honeyed voice begins to sound distant, indicating your awakening. "When you open your eyes, I'll be waiting for you to return to my arms."

"Wait no! Mom! I still have a few questions....

Mom!" Your lids parted open, finding your hand up in the air as if it were reaching out for something or... someone. "Mom..." You retracted your hand and examined the room you were in. It was most definitely not your room as the white decor majorly differed from your room's dark color scheme.

As you were inspecting the brightly lit room, you noticed another person in the room. "Who... is that?" Her lavender hair covered the left side of her eye, but that didn't stop you from analyzing (or admiring).

 is that?" Her lavender hair covered the left side of her eye, but that didn't stop you from analyzing (or admiring)

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