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TW: mentions of blood and character death

a dark, stormy night had ensued as a group of four boys had made their way home from a night out on the town. it was a change since the youngest wanted to go out instead of hanging out at one of their houses. rain had obstructed the vision of the driver, who was slowing down and pushing his glasses up his face. music played out softly as the youngest, brunette boy dozed quietly in the passenger seat as the two other boys leaned against each other in the back seat, sleepy. the three oldest friends were making small conversation, not too loud to be distracting, but quiet enough so that the driver could still focus.

"bad, we can stop for a little bit to see if the rain lets up," one of the boys suggested softly as his emerald green eyes flicked up to the rearview mirror to look at the other friend who was driving. the boy in the passenger seat began to stir as he awoke from another short nap, his eyes blinking open to the blinding light of the headlights against the sheet of rain.

"i'll stop after we get around this bend," bad replied, his voice almost getting drowned out from the noise of rain pounding down on the roof of the car, as he squinted to barely see the road curve.

the bend in question was about five hundred feet ahead of them as the car went silent. the only thing in the background was the music playing softly through the speakers from the radio. the time flashed one forty-five a.m on the radio as the boy in the front seat looked ahead as his eyes got adjusted to the darkness.

the car slowed as the curve began as bad took extra precautions to make sure to safely get around and out onto a straight path again. lights ahead of them had began to illuminate as the rain let up from a downpour to a lighter rain.

"guys? does those lights look like they're coming at us?" a british voice asked confused as he tried to keep his voice steady.

"that couldn't be right.." bad said, shrugging the thought off as he kept his eyes on the road.

the nineteen-year-old in the passenger seat studied the lights for a moment before panic began to rise in his chest. the lights that had been off to the left side of the road were now right in their lane coming from the opposite way.

"bad, he's right. do something!" he yelled as the driver noticed the lights now in front of them. there wasn't much they could do as bad's grip on the wheel turned into a death grip.

"brace yourselves, i'm sorry..."

everything that happened after that was in slow motion. the collision was practically head-on as screams were heard from the car. the two in the front were thrown forward, bad caught by his seatbelt, while nick, who hadn't been wearing his seatbelt, was thrown out of his seat by the momentum that the car had from the point of impact. glass was shattered as everyone from both cars were in a trance from what had happened.

after a while of trying to get people to come to, clay and george had gotten out of the backseat, practically yelling for their friends to wake up and get out of the car. bad was barely conscious, overwhelmed from the pain that he was feeling. the two friends had been pinned in the car, not being able to get out.

"nick! nick! wake up!" george practically begged as he opened the door and lightly smacked the younger's face. the panic and adrenaline was overwhelming as tears began to stream down his face, mixing from the blood a massive cut that had happened as a result of him hitting his head on the window,  "please.. wake up!"

– ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ –

a male had been standing behind him, his expression confused as he watched his friend trying to wake him up. he had gone up behind him trying to call out his name. the male appeared to be perfectly fine with no cuts or blood upon his body. he was very much okay.

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