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"alright karl," dr. soot had arrived back in the room with his notebook and karl's file in hand. he sat down in the chair, shaking his head slightly before opening the page where the diagnosis laid.

"you have a visual hallucination syndrome. it seems like it's been undiagnosed for about three years. this sapnap character you've been seeing ever since you were a child is just a hallucination. he isn't real," dr. soot explained as he handed karl's mother the paper with the diagnosis with a prescription, "i prescribed a medicine that should help these hallucinations stop and hopefully disappear for good."

"thank you so much dr. soot," karl's mother stated as she shook the doctor's hand.

"please call me wilbur. you guys have a great day and i'll see you guys in a month for a check in."

the ride home was deathly quiet as karl stared out his window, watching the rain pour down. he focused on two raindrops that began to roll down the window, placing a bet on the left one to win. when it didn't win, it only deepened the sigh that escaped his lips unconsciously.

his mother had a death grip on the wheel as she drove through the rainstorm that had targeted their city for the day. she had just left the pharmacy where she put her son's prescription in. now the woman had begun to drive home, a soft smile spreading across her lips, contrasting the gloomy aura her son was giving off. she thought that it could only get better from here.

nick had been in the backseat, sending daggers in the direction of karl's mom. oh how he wanted to rip her to shreds at the moment. he kept his composure as he whispered small affirmations in karl's direction, trying to let him know that it was going to be okay and he wasn't going anywhere.

– ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ –

the car pulled into the driveway and as soon as the gear was put in park, karl got out and slammed the door shut behind him. this earned him a dirty look from his mother as she got out and shut the door behind her, a lot more lightly.

"there's no reason to be upset with me!" she called after her son, who was already heading inside their home.

nick had stopped at the door, not caring that it got slammed in his face. he turned back to karl's mother, feeling his anger rising. she isn't worth your time.

she wasn't worth him getting sent back to hell over her pettiness that he was the one who had all her son's attention.

karl definitely deserved better.

– ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ –

sorry if this chapter is scuffed. i typed it on my phone since i didn't have my laptop with me. hopefully there will be a better chapter out tonight, but until then, enjoy this short and scuffed chapter that took longer than expected.

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