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"we brought him like you wanted schlatt," wilbur announced as the two guards who had a hold of nick let him go, causing the male to stumble before regaining his balance. techno and wilbur stepped back to their designated spots on the wall as nick stood looking around like a puppy, unsure of what to do.

"thank you guys. nick, sit down and make yourself at home," schlatt offered, his voice sickly sweet. nick could almost see the sugar dripping from his voice, "would you like a glass of water?" without a word, nick began to nod his head. with one snap of his fingers, a servant brought in a glass full of clear liquid. ice clanked up against the sides of the glass as the water dripped with condensation. it was almost too good to be true.

"uh.. thank you sir!" nick said, a bit eagerly as he brought the glass up to his lips. the cold water filled his entire body with relief as he felt his body began to cool from the hot heat that he was experiencing on a daily. he sat the glass down gently before looking at the man in front of him.

completely ignoring the thank you, the man began to speak on a different subject. one that involved nick.

"so, i bet you're wondering why you are here? am i right?" schlatt began to speak as he stood up once again. nick nodded, afraid of getting in trouble if he spoke when there was a rhetorical question asked, "well, you have been requested to be a "guardian angel" for a kid by the man upstairs. crazy right? him asking a prisoner from my realm who has the potential to become a powerful demon for help," he stopped for emphasis as the boy looked at the man, his mouth agape.

"anyway, i thought of you since you unrightfully got sent here because of something that wasn't even your fault. there's a small reward for you too if you do well, but we can discuss that in a minute. any questions?"

"uhh.. me? a guardian angel?" was all nick could muster as he tried to slow his very quick-paced heartbeat. he could barely process the events that were taking place, let alone having the strength to ask questions.

"yep. the kid you got assigned is someone named karl jacobs. he's eight years old. seems like a good kid. the flatty patty upstairs has specifically made a deal with me, saying that if you do well, we agreed to give you a second chance, but any family that you had will forget you since we don't want the hysteria that it could cause."

"well that's everything on the kid. do you want to take on the challenge of being there for him?" schlatt questioned, his tone intimidating, which caused the boy to nod his head for his answer.

"yes. i accept the challenge," nick answered, his voice sounding more confident than he expected it to.

"alright then," schlatt replied, bringing his right hand up before snapping his middle finger and thumb together.

nick had jumped expecting for him to get taken back to his cell, but his clothing, once dirty and torn, had changed into brand new clothing. he was now clothed in a black hoodie with dark blue jeans with a simple pair of black tennis shoes. his once tangled brown hair was now smoothed back on his head, out of his face.

"we can't have you go looking like a wreck. you'll scare the poor kid off, but for now good luck. he's gonna need you," after a minute of schlatt explaining to nick about the few special powers he was granted, another snap sounded out and nick was sent somewhere that sent shivers down his spine.

– ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ –
a cemetery.

he was standing under a tree as it poured with muffled cries in the background. he didn't know what to do, so he began to climb a tree to get a better view. he saw a group of people in all black about fifty feet away from him. seems like a family was saying goodbye to a loved one. that one seemed to hit a bit close to home for the male. he watched the group for a bit until a bit of shuffling caught his eye as his attention focused completely on the movement.

a small figure had begun to waddle away from the group and began to run toward the tree, possibly to get shelter from the downpour. a simple suit was draped over the kid's body, all wrinkled from running and wet from the rain that clung and absorbed itself into the fabric. the kid began to get closer and the big-eyed gaze began to rise up the tree to look at nick straight in the eyes.

"hey mister? why are you in a tree?"

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