Day of Complications

Start from the beginning

Task Force Operative 2: "Advance on that building!"
Jackson then places his paws above the assailant's mortal wound. They begin to glow as the bullet hole turned from critical to a healed scar.
Shadow Dhole: "That should do. No more blood is etching out."
Assailant: (coughs)
Assailant: "Why? Why did you save me? Why couldn't you just let me die?"
Shadow Dhole: "You need face the right form of justice. Besides, If I had let you die, I wouldn't be a hero at all."
Assailant: "It doesn't matter. I am dead anyways since I snitched on Vakatarus and his army. I will be hunted by them."
Shadow Dhole: "What is your name? The task force would want to know who you are so they can place you in protective custody."
Assailant: "My name is Hegna. Hegna Addington."
Shadow Dhole: "Alright Hegna, until the task force takes you in, you are with me."
Hegna: "Um... so where are we going, hero?"
Shadow Dhole: "You are going to help me to help the task force in case they haven't found sniper yet."
Hegna: "Okay but look... here's the thing. I'm a bomber for the Golden Jackals okay. I don't save other furries. I just look out for number one. Me."
Shadow Dhole: "That's what the gang life taught you, but if you try changing it for something else and fight for what is right, then you will understand the value in protecting others."
Hegna: "Whatever, just take me wherever."
The Shadow Dhole levitates into the air while holding Hegna in his arms.
Shadow Dhole: "Hold tight."
......At the Tontione household......
Taciana was finished packing and watches the news on television.
Cecelia, Joseph, Zakari, Angel, Eliza, and Jaronte were fussing for attention.
Taciana: "Shush, shh, shh, shh, shh. Settle now. That's it."
Jimmy Findello: "This is Jimmy Findello, your favorite leopard reporting live on the scene, where the vigilante Shadow Dhole has captured the culprit behind the recent bombing of Fernside Shopping Plaza. So far it seems like he and the task force are now after a shooter who attempted an assassination of the bomber. We will update you soon on how things go after we go to commercial."
A clothing commercial comes on and Taciana wonders if her husband will come back.
Taciana: "Jacky... please be okay."
Cecelia and Joseph coo out for more milk.
Taciana: "Shh... shh... don't fuss. There is plenty for all of you."
......At Tontione Enterprises......
Nappine: "Is everyone outside? Is everyone okay?"
Edwin: "Yeah, everyone made it out. What do we do now?"
Nappine: "I'll call Mr. Tontione. Let's see what he thinks."
She looks up her contact list and presses on her boss's number.
Nappine: "Hello? Mr. Tontione?"
......At the building's rooftop......
Shadow Dhole: "Excuse me. Give me a moment, Hegna."
Hegna: "Sure I will go look over there."
Jackson deactivates his voice moves out of ear shot.
Jackson: "Nappine, is everyone alright?"
Nappine: "Yes! Edwin and I are outside with everyone else. What's next?"
Jackson: "Alright, listen. The task force called me earlier and they said they are recommending that everyone may return to their usual business."
Nappine: "Oh great. Thanks for letting us know sir."
Jackson: "No problem, Nappine. Stay safe now."
Nappine: "Wait, where are you?"
Jackson: "Don't worry about me. I am on the roof. You and everyone else can return to work."
Nappine: "Oh okay. Yes, sir."
Edwin: "What did he say, Nappine?"
Nappine: "He said it's okay to back inside and to stay safe."
Edwin: "Great! Come on furries let's get back work!"
Jackson: "Reactivate voice modulator now."
AI Voice: "Reactivated."
Shadow Dhole: "Now to find that sniper."
Shadow Dhole: "Hegna?"
Hegna: "Huh, what?"
Shadow Dhole: "You find something?"
Hegna: "I found an imprint of where he fired the rifle."
Shadow Dhole: "Hmm... if he believes his mission was a success then that means the gangs will come back looking for a body."
Hegna: "It means I still have a target on my back."
Shadow Dhole: "That's why I am leaving you with Commissioner Talvenger, seeing as how the sniper got away."
Hegna: "Did you forget what Vakatarus did with the help of my former gang and the Blackjaw Hyenas? He had half of that prison destroyed!"
Shadow Dhole: "I have not forgotten. The guards I saved said that a friend of mine, Jackson Tontione donated $500,000 dollars to fund the reconstruction of Coastal City Prison."
Hegna: "That is the furry he dreams of killing every time he is in his dormant state."
Shadow Dhole: "That won't happen."
Hegna: "How are you so sure?"
Shadow Dhole: "I just know."
He levitates himself and Hegna down to street. He then hands Hegna over to Commissioner Talvenger and his task force.
Shadow Dhole: "She is all your's commissioner."
Commissioner Talvenger: "Thank the stars for you, Shadow Dhole."
Him and his task force drive off back to headquarters.
Shadow Dhole: "Phew! I know still have a lot of holographic reports to complete. First, it is time to pay a visit to the Grand Garden Hospital."
He levitates all the way to the hospital and makes a humble request to the clerks.
Shadow Dhole: "I need a list of all the bomb victims who checked in here."
Ox Furry: "I am sorry, but that information is confidential."
Shadow Dhole: "Listen, I am the Shadow Dhole and I can heal their wounds."
Ox Furry: "Okay, but don't let anyone else know I gave you this."
She hands out a sheet of the recent check-ins for severe burns and injuries.
Shadow Dhole: "Of course."
......Two hours later......
Every furry who was injured during the explosion thanks him for his kind act.
Shadow Dhole: "You are all very welcome."
Then he finally returns to his company and finishes his shift.
......Much later on......
Taciana: "Where is that man of a dhole at?"
The bus stops near the sidewalk and Sherman, JJ, Mallory, Zaino, and Aziza walk into the mansion with their book bags.
Sherman: "Hey Mom! Are you as excited for the trip as I am?"
Taciana: "Hehe yes, I sure am kiddo!"
Sherman: "Mom, can all of our friends come with us? Please?"
Taciana: "We will see. Now go with your siblings and get packed up. Okay?"
Sherman does as she says. Then him and siblings run upstairs.
......At 10:30pm......
Jackson returns home and locks his car. Suddenly, as he opens the front doors, Taciana hugs him so tightly.
Jackson: "Well... hello to you too."
Taciana: "Jackson, baby! Thank the Vitaea, you are okay!"
She plants a few kisses on his lips.
Taciana: "I was so worried about you."
Jackson: "About what?"
Taciana: "There was a bombing at the shopping center."
She sheds several worrisome tears.
Jackson: "Hey, it was nothing I couldn't handle. Besides there is good news."
He plants a kiss on her forehead.
Jackson: "I saved a lot of lives today, including the victims from the bombing incident."
Taciana: "Yeah, at there is that. I was so proud of you that it made my heart melt."
Jackson: "Thank you, Tacci."
Taciana: "My great aunt Thalia was one of the patients you healed."
Jackson: "Oooh, so that's why she told me to send her regards to you."
Taciana: "Hehe, yes. She called me after you left the Grand Garden Hospital."
Jackson: "I even stopped the furry who caused the explosion."
Taciana: "Did you catch him?"
Jackson: "It wasn't a he, it was a she. She was shot in the stomach after I questioned her."
Taciana: "Did she..."
Jackson: "No, I healed her with my powers and she survived."
Taciana: "Oh thank goodness."
Jackson: "Sometimes I often wonder if saving the enemy is the right thing to do."
Taciana holds his both paws.
Taciana: "Honey, showing mercy is always the right thing to do, no matter how bad the individual is or otherwise. That's what makes a good hero."
Jackson: "Yeah, all right."
Taciana: "Plus, being married to a hero does have its perks."

She giggles and swoons.
Jackson: "Mmmm... keep talking."
Taciana: "I get to touch your buff physique."
Jackson: "What do I get to do, bunny bae?"
Taciana whispers in his ear.
Taciana: "You get to see all of me."
Jackson: "Maybe next time I will book a trip and treat you to something."
Taciana: "Oh really?"
Jackson: "Yeah."
Taciana: "Tell me more about it in our sleeping chambers, sugar dhole."
The pair go to the master bedroom and spice up the night with their love.

Author's Note: "Chapter complete! Get ready for the next one. There may or may not be a new battleground."

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