The Shadow Dhole to the Rescue

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(This is Opala Estelle and her son Ashon.)
......Two nights later......
Three figures show up in the middle of the night to near a store called MapleTech.
Furry Crook 1: "Plant the generator."
Furry Crook 2: "Check."
The device starts beeping and emits a short range EMP blast; knocking out all the security systems.
Furry Crook 1: "Okay, let's get in and get out before we're caught."
Furry Crook 3: "Right."
The trio ransacked the tools they needed and fled into the night.
......8:00am at the Tontione estate......
The children wake up to the sound of their parents calling them down for breakfast.
Taciana: "Kids? Come down and eat! Soups on!"
Jackson: "That's right!"
Taciana: "Zaino! Don't even think of closing that door!"
Zaino follows Sherman, while Jackson Junior, Mallory, and Aziza trail behind. They rub the sleep out of their eyes.
Zaino: "Darn, how did he know?"
Sherman: "Dad has heightened hearing. Plus, you make it obvious when you show up late to eat lil bro."
Zaino: "I am not late."
Sherman: "Yeah, now... but not before."
Zaino: "I can be early!"
Taciana: "Zaino! You know the rules. Use your inside voice."
Zaino: "Sorry Momma."
Taciana: "It's okay. Now come and eat. You still have school today."
Zaino: "But it's Friday! That means we don't have to do homework today!"
He says excitedly while jumping around.
Aziza: "Yeah, Momma! No homework!"
Sherman: "You two may not have to, but me, Mallory, and JJ do. Also, I got invited most of my friends over to form a study group tonight."
Aziza: "Can me and Zaino come? Pwease?"
Sherman: "Are you going to be quiet?"
Aziza: "Maybe..."
Jackson Junior: "That's code for she probably won't." (chuckles)
Sherman: "I will give you and Zaino one chance, Aziza."
Aziza then runs to Sherman and hugs him tightly.
Aziza: "Thanks big brother. I promise I won't make any noise while you study."
Sherman: "Good. Okay, not too tight lil sis. Can't have my abs crushed."
......Ten minutes later......
After breakfast, Jackson wishes Taciana a good day and drives his children to school.
Jackson: "Enjoy the day, kids! I'll be expecting a full report!"
Sherman: "Roger that, Dad. Let's go guys!"
The kids went to front of the school to greet their friends and entered inside.
Jackson: "Hopefully, traffic is light today."
He mutters to himself as he heads to work.
Then his second encrypted smartphone goes off alerting him of a criminal disturbance.
Signal Feedback: "We have the three suspects at holed up at Wellgreen Bank. Two operatives are down. Requesting for immediate backup now!"
Jackson: "Hmm... I guess I could go and check it out. I mean it is on the way."
He drives another mile to reach the bank and walks to hidden alley activates his car's alternate form. It then quickly converts into a larger, modified, all-terrain vehicle with non-lethal weapons and thick blast-proof armor.
Jackson: "Turn on suit changer."
AI Voice: "Understood, suit change activated."
Then in within two minutes, Jackson's super suit is put on.
Jackson: "Computer, activate my suit's voice modulator."
AI Voice: "Yes, Mister Jackson. Activating voice modulator."
Shadow Dhole: "Time to bust some bad guys!"
He says in a much deeper and intimidating voice.
The Shadow Dhole exits his all-terrain vehicle and uses his spirit powers to rise into the air.
Shadow Dhole: "The task force said there were two of them. I might have found a way in without being noticed."
He jumps through open window just above them and makes a quiet landing.
Bandit Furry 1: "Remember! To grab all the bills too! Not just the gold!"
Bandit Furry 2: "Ya know...  you could be help me a little bit!"
Bandit Furry 1: "And risk the chance of our hostages escaping? Yeah, I don't think so. Just keep going."
Bandit Furry 3: "Ugh! All this trouble just to give it to our bosses."
Bandit Furry 1: "Yeah, I ain't happy about some dark spirit running things."
Bandit Furry 2: "True, but our clans do have one thing in common."
Bandit Furry 1: "Like what?"
Bandit Furry 2: "We all despise the furry vigilante that's been causing problems."
Bandit Furry 3: "Yeah, I hate guy. Good thing he ain't here."
Bandit Furry 1: "What the... Ahhh! Ugh!"
He and the third bandit are knocked out by the Shadow Dhole with a quick punch to their stomachs.
Shadow Dhole: "You three picked the wrong time to rob a bank."
An auto-pistol cocks.
Bandit Furry 2: "Looks like you're about to be the one with no brains in few seconds."
As he is about to fire, the bank teller throws a stapler at the assailant causing him to turn around and the Shadow Dhole knocks him with the sweep of the legs.
Bandit Furry 2: "Gah! Ugh!"
The auto-pistol fell to the floor; mis-fires and hits a little leopard furry in the arm.
Young Leopard Child: "Ow! It hit me! Oh, it hurts so bad!"
Mother Leopard Furry: "There, there, Benny. It will be okay, just hold still."
Shadow Dhole: "I can help."
Mother Leopard Furry: "How? My poor baby is still bleeding."
Shadow Dhole: "Trust me. I got this."
He carefully removes the bullet with his suit's in-built titanium-alloy claws.
Shadow Dhole: "Okay the bullet's out. Now to heal that wound."
He breathes in slowly and his spirit energy heals the child in a few seconds.
Young Leopard Child: "Momma! My arm is better! My arm is better!"
Mother Leopard Furry: "I can see. Hehe!"
They hug it out.
Mother Leopard Furry: "What do we say?"
Young Leopard Child: "Thank you mister!"
Shadow Dhole: (smiles proudly)
Mother Leopard Furry: "Who are you?"
Shadow Dhole: "I am the Shadow Dhole, and I help keep the peace in this city."
Mother Leopard Furry: "Will we meet again?"
Shadow Dhole: "Only if you're in need of help, Ma'am."
Mother Leopard Furry: "Okay, thanks again. Hero."
The task force moves in and cuffs the unconscious bandits, while noticing the Shadow Dhole helping up all the innocent bystanders.
Lt. Kamara: "Thanks for your assistance, Shadow Dhole. We can take it from here."
Shadow Dhole: "Something is coming lieutenant. Something big. Here is an extra communicator I designed. Use it whenever you need to give me call about future attacks."
Lt. Kamara: "Will do. Good luck out there."
Shadow Dhole: "Luck ain't got nothing to do with it, lieutenant."
He rises in the air and vanishes over the building and back to his all-terrain vehicle.
Shadow Dhole: "Oh good, I still have some time to reach my building."
He uses his vehicle's overdrive setting to make it to Tontione Enterprises.
......Fourteen minutes later......
Shadow Dhole: "Seven minutes early."
Shadow Dhole: "Computer, switch back to work suit."
AI Voice: "Changing to work suit."
......Two minutes later......
Jackson steps out of his vehicle and tightens is tie before taking his work suitcase with him inside the building.
Zulea: "Good morning, Mr. Tontione."
Teissa: "Good morning, sir."
Jackson: "Good morning, ladies."
He heads up his office and clocks himself in and for a full day's work.
Nappine: "Good morning, sir."
Jackson: "Good morning, Nappine."
......Eight hours later......
Jackson: "Phew, a shift that ends on time."
Jackson: "You all have a good rest of your day and make sure one of you locks every entrance to my building."
Nappine: "Yes, sir."
Teissa: "No allow me, since I turned in the sales and marketing reports early."
Jackson: "Very well Teissa. You may do so."
Teissa: "Thank you, sir."
Zulea looks at her suspiciously and leaves.
Jackson then leaves his company building and into the main parking lot to find that his car's danger signal has been flickering.
Jackson: "Trouble?"
He presses the answer call on his vehicles dash screen.
Lt. Kamara: "Shadow Dhole? Are you there? Hello? There's an emergency in Downtown!Please come as quickly as you can!"
Jackson sets his voice modulator.
Jackson: "I am on my way." (voice deepens)
His vehicle goes into All-Terrain Mode and kicks into overdrive, zooming from Uptown to Downtown in less than twenty minutes.
He arrives at the scene of the emergency and is shocked at the sight of Harry's Bits and Fits being all but, obliterated.
Shadow Dhole: "What happened here?"
Lt. Kamara: "Commissioner Talvenger swept the area for any survivors and thankfully no one was hurt, but there's an eight-year child who is trapped beneath the rubble."
Lt. Kamara: "We seriously need your help."
Shadow Dhole: "Where's his parent?"
Lt. Kamara: "His mother is over there taking a statement."
Shadow Dhole: "Ma'am?"
Opala: "You're the Shadow Dhole, right?"
Shadow Dhole: "Yes."
Opala: "Thank goodness! Please, you must do something! My little boy is trapped!"
Opala Estelle was in distress as hears the voice of her child echoing under a thick layer of rubble.
Dhole Furry Child: "Mommy!"
Opala: "Ashon!"
Ashon: "Help me!"
Opala: "Please, help my son, sir. Please, I beg you."
Shadow Dhole: "Where is your son?"
Opala: "He's in under the debris somewhere but I can't reach him."
She hyperventilates with worry in her voice.
Opala: "Please, hurry!"
Shadow Dhole: "It's okay, I am going to get him out. Alright?"
He says reassuringly and walks to the rubble of the fallen department building.
Ashon: "Momma!"
He cries out again.
Shadow Dhole: "Hang on buddy, I am coming. What is your name?"
Ashon: "Ashon."
Shadow Dhole: "Well Ashon, I am getting you out of here."
He levitates most of the fallen bricks and debris off Ashon with his spirit orb ability, followed by lifting the rest with his natural strength and resolve.
Ashon: (coughs)
Ashon: "Mister, mister? Is my Mommy, okay?"
Shadow Dhole: "She is fine little buddy, but she is worried about you."
He carries him back to his mother and her frown turns upside down.
Opala: "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?"
She hugs him close and pecks his nose.
Ashon nodded Yes to him.
Opala: "Thank you so much! You saved my little Ashon!"
She gratuitously hugs Jackson for his feat.
Shadow Dhole: "It was no problem miss."
He hears his personal smartphone ring.
Shadow Dhole: "Excuse me for a minute."
Opala: "Sure, take your time."
Jackson then turns off his voice modulator to answer his smartphone buzzing with Taciana's number popping up."
Jackson: "Excuse me." (deep voice)
Opala: "Oh okay. Thanks again!"
Jackson stops to check it and answers.
Jackson: "Hey Tacci."
Taciana: "Hi handsome! Where are you? It is almost dinner time."
Jackson: "I am still going over all the financial reports from my employees, babe."
Taciana: "Why do you sound so out of breath?"
Jackson: "I've been walking around the office for a while honey. You know how new employees are when they need a mentor to help."
Taciana: "Alright... come back soon, okay. The kids want to see a movie with us afterwards."
Jackson: "Will do, bae. I will see you when I'm back." (hangs up)
Jackson: "Great."
Then the voice modulator swiftly reactivates.
Shadow Dhole: "Gotta get going, ma'am."
Opala: "Oh, okay. Thank you!"
The Shadow Dhole returns to his all-terrain vehicle and zooms back to the Tontione mansion under five minutes.
Shadow Dhole: "Gotta work on those new breaks."
......Inside the Tontione residence......
Taciana: "Come on Jacky, where are you?"
She protectively holds her stomach.
Aziza: "Are you okay Mommy?"
Taciana: "I'm fine sweetheart."
Aziza: "Is Daddy coming home soon?"
Taciana: "Yes Aziza, he is on his way."
Aziza: "Terrific!"
Taciana: (chuckles)
Jackson Junior: "Why does Dad take so long to come home?"
Mallory: "Daddy is in charge of his own company JJ. That's why."
Zaino: "It takes too long!" (screams)
Jackson Junior and Zaino give each other a hi five.
Mallory: "Aziza, please help me."
Aziza: "Stop yelling Zaino, it's not polite."
Zaino: "Meh." (pouts)
Then the mansion garage goes up and signaling the children to run to door in the second hallway.
Jackson Junior: "Dad is back!"
Mallory: "Yeah!"
Zaino: "Tackle time!"
Aziza: "Yay, I told you to being patient works, Zaino."
......One minute later......
Their father's car returns its normal mode and stops the engine, before grabbing his briefcases.
Jackson: "Great spirits of light, help me now."
He says to himself before opening the back door to the garage.
The kids all shout out at the same time.
Sherman: "Dad's home!"
Jackson Junior: "Yeah? Finally!"
Mallory: "Daddy!"
Aziza: "Daddy!"
Zaino: "Daddy!"
They all hug and tackle his legs.
Jackson: "Hey, you little troublemakers! Hahaha!"
He wholeheartedly laughs and lifts them all up on his arms with all of them cheering.
Zaino: "Dad, I caught a bird in my trap this morning."
Jackson: "Oh I see, is that one of the specials of the day?"
Jackson: "Don't tell your mother, though."
Taciana: "Harhar, I heard that Mr. CEO."
Taciana: "Now kids hop off Daddy. A lady with babies is coming through."
Jackson sets them down and shares a kiss with his wife.
Taciana: "You almost missed the deadline for movie night." (nuzzles him)
Jackson: "Ooh, what are we watching?"
Taciana: "A Grandmaster's Journey."
Jackson: "Haven't seen it, but you have peaked my interest."
He holds her paw and tells his butler, Maxwell to move his briefcases in the twenty-foot dining room.
Jackson Junior: "I call front chair!"
Zaino: "Me too!"
Mallory: "The second row is fine with me."
Aziza: "First row!"
Mallory: "Typical."
Sherman: "As usual, I am in the back."
They all start watching the film as it begins.
Taciana: "Hehe, I love classics."
Jackson: "Me too."

Authors Note: "New chapter is done, people! Prepare yourselves for the next one! A certain someone might be displeased."

World of Paws: Balance of HeroesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora