A Fever Pitch

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While it was not the grand fireplace, Alfred could still see the potential for warmth from the Batcomputer.  At least, he understood why Bruce insisted on camping by it that night.  And there he was, reclined in the ever popular Batchair, staring up at the long stalactites of the Batcave's ceiling.  He had removed his cowl while Alfred was busy escorting Damian to bed, yet still kept on the bulk of his suit.  The children's costumes had already been returned to their respective cases, minus Dick's.  The cape, gloves, boots, and utility belt just appeared to be suspended in mid air.

"He fell asleep before I could get him to change," Bruce explained, noticing where Alfred's gaze had traveled.

"It's just as well," Alfred noted, "seeing as he will be spending the rest of tonight in the infirmary."

Both men cast a glance towards the small medical area nestled in a corner of the cave, knowing full well the state of the boy curled up in one of the two beds. Alfred hadn't been able to give Dick much past an ice pack for the black eye and some ibuprofen, before he needed to take Damian back upstairs. He had intended to perform a more proper examination upon reentering the Batcave, however, seeing as Dick didn't seem to have any overly concerning symptoms or injuries, Alfred decided that perhaps rest would be the best medicine for now. Turning his attention back to Bruce, it was clear that he needed the ear of the old butler more anyway.  The events of the night were weighing heavily on the patriarch of the Wayne family, and Alfred knew that any next steps were going to result in great changes to the lives of all the members.  Bruce let out a quiet sigh, before hunching over with his hands clasped together and his eyes focused just in front of him.

"Do you think I made the right call?"

Alfred was never one for holding back his opinion from any Wayne, but even he could see the tenuous strings wrapped around Bruce's original choice.  It was an all or nothing at the time, with pros and cons stretching on farther into the future than either man could see.  Alfred did not disagree with Bruce's decision to wall off the Justice League from any personal details pertaining to his life or identity, as there was no telling what use that information could potentially serve should something go wrong.  And that was most certainly a tangible concern, seeing as the majority of members are not just ordinary humans behind their masks, unlike Batman.  While Alfred didn't know who they called themselves when out of costume, aside from Mr. Oliver Queen, there was no real telling as to how any of them spent their free time. Yes, it was a choice built from an abundance of caution, and a level of distrust found at the beginning of any new business deal, but it seemed to be a valid option nonetheless.  At least, until the day Bruce had stormed in and announced to Alfred that young Roy Harper was recognized as the first official sidekick by the Justice League.  That changed everything.

At that point, both Dick and Jason had already been acting as the aides to Batman for several years, under the table of course.  When Dick was first granted the opportunity at just eight years old, it made absolute sense not to bring it up to the other heroes.  How would they react to a child out on the field?  What light would this cast on Batman, along with his level of "free agency" within the league?  Could they possibly try to take some kind of action against him or Dick?  Alfred didn't fight Bruce when he chose not to involve the children with the league.  Unfortunately, within only a few years since, plenty of other heroes have decided to become mentors to the next generation, rendering the point slightly moot.  However, from what Alfred's been told, these new children still differ greatly from the stock in which Bruce chooses to mould his own students from.  Super powered teenagers were a dangerous enough thought, and the idea of any of his grandsons having a potentially negative interaction with one was enough to get Alfred to agree that it was most likely for the best to keep them at arms length from each other for the time being.  Well, until tonight that was.

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