Crashing the Party

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As his unsettling laughter filled the warehouse, Dick smiled wide with excitement at everyone's reactions. They were clearly terrified, even if a few tried to keep their cool despite being lost in the darkness. His night vision filter painted a clear enough picture of about twenty or so guys, each one armed in some fashion. He couldn't find the prisoners with such a cursory glance, however. He turned to Jason and Tim, and quickly began signing.

"You two, look for the team. I'll handle these guys."

Tim nodded while Jason rolled his eyes and pointed down to a large shipping container,

"Looks like the demon child's beating you to it!"

Dick nearly fell from the ceiling as he watched Damian quietly sneaking across the top of the container, brandishing his sword and looking ready to strike. Without a second thought, he made his way below, flipping a few times out of habit. Tim watched nervously, he didn't want to leave the two alone, but before he could ask what Jason thought, he was left alone. Shaking his head, Tim immediately began in the opposite direction.

Damian wasn't to concerned about the enemy's numbers, he was a trained assassin and had easily fought against much larger groups, though it never hurt to have backup. He didn't even bother to acknowledge Dick as he silently landed just behind him. He merely pointed his sword towards a single man in the center, he stood in a rather relaxed fashion, despite everyone around him looking like the devil himself was in their midst.

Nope, Damian smirked to himself, just his sons...

Damian and Dick both flipped off the container, allowing their boots to smack against the concrete. Nearly every man jumped and pointed their guns at the sound. Flashes of light filled the room, as did the repeated discharge of almost every gun in the warehouse. By the time it finally stopped, there was a smoking crater surrounded by countless bullets. Multiple people shouted, asking if they got the intruders, while few brave souls stepped forward to actually check. But, it was inevitable for them to find out the truth...they had missed.

Damian looked across the way, Dick was clearly enjoying this, however, that was hardly a surprise. His oldest brother always was easily entertained by even the most basic of battles, and as much as Damian hated to admit it, his enthusiasm was contagious. The two were definitely on a roll, but the fight hadn't even begun yet. Letting his sword tap the ground a few times before dragging it behind him, Damian reveled in the fearful faces and panicked shouts. He easily dodged their last few bullets, and when the less bright of them spoke of running out of ammo, that's when he decided to strike. Easily slicing through the now useless guns, he disposed of the weapons with such speed that most of the wielders didn't even realize he had visited them until they went to fire, and were burned by the misfire. Damian looked over, Dick had already started disabling the men and dragging their unconscious bodies to the side. Not wanting to miss out, Damian raised his sword and stabbed the leg of a nearby person. However, instead of the expected blood to rain down, shiny pieces of his now shattered sword fell instead. Damian's eyes went wide, he dropped the hilt, not even registering at the sound as his right arm was suddenly grabbed. He struggled viciously against the iron grip, only to be lifted in the air.

"Unhand me!" He demanded, still fighting to break free. 

"You're...just a kid?"  His assailant mumbled, a confused look replacing any anger.

Damian glared forward, clearly livid with the remark.  "You're going to be sorry."  A smirk spread across his young face before he took a deep breath.  "NIIIIIIGHTWIIIIING!"

The enemy noticeably winced at Damian's scream, nearly dropping him in the process. 

"What the he-"

He was unable to finish his thought as another voice interrupted.


Damian continued grinning smugly as Dick charged through the crowd like a bullet, ready to save his little brother.

So, if I was going to hold a team of meta-humans prisoner while I continued on with my evil deeds, where would I leave them?  Tim wondered silently as he traversed the warehouse.  He hadn't come across any guards since leaving to explore the rest of the place, not a comforting sign considering he left Dick and Damian to deal with them alone.  Then again, he wasn't usually much help in situations like that, God only knows how many times their father has had to swoop in and rescue him...Tim shook his head, he needed to keep moving. Continuing on, the distinct lack of guards was becoming far more than just a lucky break.  It was a tad unnerving, to say the least, surely the people in charge weren't stupid enough to not plan ahead if one of the team members had managed to escape?  Every time Tim had been held hostage, even when he was unconscious or delirious for the majority of the experience, he always had at least a few people watching over him.  Maybe...they're just really confident that the team won't be getting away any time soon?

Tim sighed, he didn't know much about the overall mission, much less who EXACTLY the enemy was.  He was used to the time tested patterns of the usual Gotham villains, even when they changed a few steps here and there, he could easily notice the handy work and tell who committed the crime of the night.  However, he was at a loss against such an unfamiliar foe.  Tim knew he was missing something, that he was closing in on the solution.  But, for now at least, it seemed almost like the answer was locked away, hidden in plain sight.  Satisfied that no one would find him, Tim dropped towards the ground, his landing quiet and unnoticeable.  The shipping containers towered over him, all carefully stacked in uniform so that they wouldn't fall. 

Hmm... Tim cocked his head, and approached the closest one.  He knocked softly, listening closely as the sound carried through without issue.  He wandered over to a few more and repeated the process, with similar results following.  They're empty, He noted, guess that's why they aren't locked...  Tim casually cracked open one of the doors on one, it was actually rather roomie inside, definitely large enough for him to walk around.  His eyes grew wide as he froze. Immediately, he shook himself and dashed through the different rows.  He needed a way to find the team's container, Well, maybe the criminals are smarter than I thought, and they would at least have the foresight to use-

Tim smiled, a large blue shipping container on the bottom of a strangely secluded tower stood before him.  A large silver key lock hung tightly on the door, just asking to be picked.

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