Only Fools Rush In

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Conner shifted nervously on his feet.  The night had been a disaster ever since their training with Black Canary had been interrupted by a frantic alert from Green Arrow.  Once Dinah had been able to decipher the message, which both he and M'gann both agreed was not in English (unless their schoolteacher had forgotten to tell them about the inclusion of numbers and tiny pictures of overly surprised cats in the alphabet), it was decided that they were required to participate.  It was just some no name bodybuilder who got a taste for destruction after whatever swelled up his muscles to the size of Sphere finally melted the rational part of his brain. 

At first, everything went alright. All things considered, that is. It was a far cry from the full Justice League who responded to the call to action. Only Green Arrow, the Flash, and their respective partners were present before the three from Mt. Justice convened with them.  Kaldur wasn't even there, only adding further signs that this wasn't an overly important situation. Certainly not one that everyone there couldn't handle. By the time they got there, the four other heroes had already managed to lure the guy well away from any populated areas, and they were also doing a pretty decent job at controlling the fight.  Black Canary, M'gann, and himself would probably only be able to act as reinforcements to help bring it all to an end in their favor.  Except, that wasn't what happened at all.  The fighting dragged on excruciatingly long.  And, at separate points, each of the adult members fell to one unfortunate attack after another.  Conner could feel a bit of sweat on his brow as it suddenly became clear that it was only the four teenagers left standing.

"Now what do we do?!"  Wally shouted, barely diving out of the way of a boulder thrown his way.  "Should we call for backup or something?"

"Newsflash, Baywatch!  We ARE the backup!"  Artemis exclaimed as she shot a net arrow, only for the guy to tear through the nylon like it was paper. "Do you honestly believe that everyone who can be here isn't already? Green Arrow sent the alert out to everyone!"

Artemis's words did little to bring comfort to the rest of the Team.  If this truly was the extent of power that the Justice League could bother spare, then Connor knew it was all up to them.  He just hoped that they would be up for the task.  M'gann mind linked up the teammates, and they were immediately bombarded with the buzzing doubts that were racing around in Wally's head.


"Would you PLEASE be quiet?!" Artemis snapped.  "I can't even hear myself think over all of YOUR thoughts!"

The sheepish look on Wally's face seemed to signal to Conner that it only now just donned on the speedster that their minds had been connected.

"Oh, um...sorry," he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.  "So, what's the plan?"

The link went silent.

"Seriously?  No one has any ideas?"  Artemis drew her bow, launching an exploding arrow at an incoming boulder.  Everyone braced themselves against the rain of gravel debris. 

"Well, it's usually Kaldur who comes up with the plans," M'gann pointed out as she telepathically redirected a tree branch sent their way.  "He is the leader, after all."

And, with how poorly the four of them were handling the situation on their own, it was for a good reason. That part went unheard, though it wasn't unthought.

"Not exactly feeling a lot of confidence here," Wally remarked as he sped out of the way of yet another boulder. "And whose idea was it to bring the guy whose only move is to throw the things around him to the woods?! It's like, rock and tree city out here!"

I Forgot to MentionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora