
"Hey daddy war bucks. I need you to cashzapp me."

War never thought that cringe like nickname would make him sigh in relief and not annoyance. "Jess? Are you...okay? Where are you?"

Her nasally laugh made him relax as he saw Trent in his car. Whatever music he was listening to making the windows shake. "I'll be fine and dandy if you cashzapp me 100 dollars through Trent."

One hundred dollars? War knew if it wasn't for Jess he wouldn't be here right now. He definitely owed her. "Trent sent you money?"

"All my men do. Now are you going to send me money?"

Of course War was... "I'll do it. Are you okay?"

Silence stretched out as War walked around the parking lot, avoiding getting in the truck with Trent. "I'm fine. I'm going to New York to scam some sugar daddies. If I get into a pickle I'll call you."

War frowned. Well, no that was good. She could handle herself with human sugar daddies. She could break them. Most were old and looking for a good screw, which Jess was. Well everyone spoke of it he never experienced Jess and didn't want to. "I'll give Trent the money. Be safe."

"You're such a sweetie, War. How's my little apple? Did you guys fuck yet?" She questioned happily. War laughed.

He wished...but he could wait. Whenever Pomelia would have him he would be more than willing and ready. His libido was off the charts lately and he was embarrassed now that Pom could scent his arousal. "No, Jess."

"Well let me know when you give her that daddy dick! You better give her a lot of big o's." War was sure he would have no problem delivering on that end. He could give her release with his hands and mouth, his cock shouldn't be a problem.

"I gotta go, Jess. I'll send the money."

She sighed loudly and he could envision her pouting. "Alright. I guess I'll let you go. Bye daddy war bucks. Love you!"

"Bye Jess."

He hung up the phone and made his way back into the truck. Trent didn't bother to turn off the loud, blaring music so War did.

Trent immediately threw his hands up in the air. War could smell the scent of his anger and held back the urge to roll his damn eyes. Trent had seen Arana today and it probably didn't go how he thought it would go.

"Did you send Jess money?"

Trent eyes said it all. "Yeah I sent that crazy bitch two hundred." War took out his wallet and handed him a hundred dollar bill. "Damn. Now three hundred. She said she's hitting up more people. She'll have 3 grand easily."

Jess would be fine. Whatever she was doing, or wherever she was going. She had the brains and the wit to make it without a pack but even smart people could be dumb...

Once Trent cashzapped Jess, they were on their way back to the pack. Trent was gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were losing color and it looked as if he was two seconds from ripping the wheel off.

"What did she say?" War already knew it was Pomelia's mentor who had Trent in a mood. The tall woman who had threatened him the first day he met Pomelia had given Trent a run for his money. He didn't know all of the details but for some odd reason Trent was obsessed with her.

He shrugged, the car jerking. "I'm just sick of her shit. I'm sick of this shit. Being a better person. What the fuck is that supposed to get me? I'm not getting her pussy and that's a fact."

War almost wanted to laugh. He was sure Priestess Arana would swallow wolfsbane before she ever let Trent's grimy hands on her. "Be good just to be good."

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