•Thirty Five•

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Everything was packed. Their clothes, their feelings, luggage everything. It was time to go home, the only place he called home. He wasn't coming back happy and in love. He was coming back torn and desperate for forgiveness.

He loved his mate and to see her so broken from his decisions made him sick with self loathing. She had gone back to wearing her novice like clothing. Not wanting to wear the colorful dresses he got her that were still modest but showed a bit of skin.

Pomelia was in the car, in the back seat. She hadn't spoken to him since he spilled everything to her. Her silence was loud and her tears were even louder. Every time he looked at her she would be looking away from him. She couldn't even look him in the eyes anymore.

"Well, it's been real. I wish you luck with your mate situation. I have some more money I'll be sending your way. I know Khan will probably drain you dry for payback."

Alpha Reese was here to see them off. His mate was nowhere in sight. He wanted to ask about her but he didn't care much. "Thanks...You said one of your pack members has Nick. Where is he? We have to go."

He packed up all of Nicks things too and was expecting him to be here by now. Reese explained that he ran out of the house crying when he heard Pom and War fighting. "Ah, should be here any moment."

Just as he mentioned it, a truck was pulling up. He immediately recognized the passenger in the car. It was the kid. War watched the big green truck screech to a halt and glared at who was in the truck.

"Why the fuck is he with him?!" For some reason Wars dampening mood completely soured upon seeing Mac, Mach whatever the fuck his name was. The passengers side door swung open and Nick hopped out.

War glowered at Nick before making his way over to Mach. The annoying ass man was in his uniform and was glaring at War with a look that could kill. "What the hell is going on?"

The man scoffed, hopping out of the car and sizing War up like they would be coming to blows. "What do you mean? I find him crying in the fucking woods yesterday. Nobody came for him. Aren't you guys his family?!"

War didn't care what the creep had to say, he didn't trust him and knew Nick didn't like the annoying man. "You should've walked him back to the house," War snapped, glancing at Nick who was typing on his phone furiously.

He noticed the kid had on clothes...that actually fit. Not the baggy clothing that hung off his bean pole body. "He didn't want to go!"

"Nick get in the car," War snapped as his phone buzzed. "We're leaving."

Don't be mad at him. He was cool.

"Nah I want to talk about him. How come he can't talk? What happened to him?" Mach asked as War ignored his questions and turned around. Mach grabbed him. "Hey I helped your brother. Least you can do is give me some answers!"

War was like a ticking time bomb. He swiveled out of Mach's hold with a snarl. Who the fuck did this guy think he was?! "Mind your fucking business."

The man threw his head back in a laugh. Like he thought something was funny. War's foot up the cops ass was about to be hilarious. "Listen you asshole I'm not some creep okay? I'm Nicks ma-"


Both of them jumped at hearing a yell. It was Nick. He had spoken...again? War stared at him a few moments longer than usual, surprised that the kid spoke in front of more than two people. He seemed petrified at whatever Officer Mach was about to say... Nick quickly walked over to War and grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him in the direction of the car.

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