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Carter's POV -Prologue.

Hey, my name's Carter Matthews, and i'm a professional kidnapper. 

I know what you're thinking; You can't be a professional kidnapper.

Well, you can.

See, I have a boss, and I even get paid. I'd say that's a real job if you ask me.

I used to work for my neighbor, at his store. That was too boring, plus I was only twelve then. I didn't know what a real fun job was.

Anyways, I guess you may want the whole story of how I ended up with this job huh?

Well when I was fourteen, my parents and my brother died. So I needed some way to get money, right?

So I became a kidnapper. Easy enough.

We always take girls. I don't know what it is, I guess they're easier to get. Almost always we send them back, after we get the money, or whatever the boss wanted. It's easy, it's fun, and I get good money. As long as we don't get caught, (which we never have) I like it.


"This is our next victim."  My boss said, holding up a picture of a girl. She looked about my age, with long brown hair, curled in the picture, and bright blue eyes. Probably a school picture, and that's why she looked so perfect. The boss laughed a little. "Her dad owes us money.." He stuffed the picture into my pocket and laughed to himself again. I nodded and got my keys. This was gonna be easy.

I went over and hid behind a small brick wall beside this girl's house. Damn they were rich. Big house, brick wall, nice yard. Probably a pool in the back.

It was cold out, especially since I wasn't wearing a jacket. "Would you hurry up?" I mumbled to my friend, Matt. He worked with me on these kinds of things. He smiled, enjoying the fact that I was freezing, and rang the doorbell at the girl's house.

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