Chapter 2

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Carter's POV

The first half of the ride was pretty quiet, besides the few times I had asked Matt where we were going, and him just sighing and shrugging in answer, there wasn't much talk.

This was weird for Matt, I usually couldn't get him to shut up. As for the girl, well I had already figured out she was the quiet type. That, or she was just too nervous to talk to us. Either way, she stayed silent the whole time.

I sighed for what must have been the fiftieth time, and turned to Matt. We had been driving for only  a half hour  now, but It was getting dark. Plus I had to pee. "Where are we going?" I asked, already knowing his answer. He would shrug again, not even knowing himself.

Before he could do so, my phone rang, scaring even me. Only for a second though. I looked at the caller ID and my stomach twisted. "It's the boss.." I said, mostly to Matt. He looked over at me, not saying anything. "You think he's back yet?" I asked him, not really wanting the answer. He nodded. 

"Yeah, he's probably cursing us out right now.." He said this as he turned into the parking lot of a restaurant. I hit the answer button and put the phone to my ear, suddenly wishing I didn't have a cell phone to use. "Hello?" I tried saying it as normal as I could, but I was sure it came out weak. Immediately his screams filled my ears, about how terrible Matt and I were and blah blah...

"I'm goin to get the girl some food. Be right back." Matt cut into the sound with his own voice, and I looked over at him and nodded. He hopped out of the car and ran inside. Damn, I hoped he wasn't planning on robbing the place..

I focused my attention back on the call, trying to talk between his yelling. "Yeah boss, uh Matt got sick, and uh, we had to take him to the hospital" I finally manage to get out, although I was stuttering.

As I waited for an answer, hoping he actually heard me, Matt comes back. He hands the girl a bag of food, and takes a sip of her drink before handing that to her too. "What's he sayin?" He whispers, and I pull the phone from my ear for a second. 

"I told him you were sick, so we went to the emergency room. He's not buying it."

Matt grabs the phone from me before I can protest, and puts it to his ear, faking a cough. 

"Yeah boss, I just got kinda sick, sorry." He sounds believable too. Hopefully enough to trick the boss.

There's a moment of silence on the other end of the call, before he says "Alright kid, but if that girl isn't back by the end of the night, you're all dead. Got that?"

Matt doesn't say anything for a second, and then clears his throat and answers him "Yeah boss.."

He hangs up the phone and gives it to me. We had all heard what the boss said. Matt sits back in the front seat and starts the car, saying nothing else about it. I know what it means. We're in trouble.


As we drive further, the silence now becomes almost eerie. The only sound I can hear is my own breathing, along with Matt's, and the occasional yawn from any of us. I look at the clock. It's about 10:30, and I'm tired. So is Matt, I guess, because he stops the car and asks me to drive. I nod reluctantly and take the wheel as he jumps in the back with the girl, who's now laying across the whole seat, sound asleep.

I glance at Matt before I start driving, "Don't try anything.." I begin, but he interrupts me with a slight laugh.

"Me? try something with this innocent girl? Never." He says, pretending to sound offended by faking a gasp. I roll my eyes. "I know you Matt, don't do anything."

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