Chapter 3

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Hailey's POV

When I say the rest of the ride was boring, I mean it was boring as hell. I know we couldn't really stop, and there really wasn't anything to talk about, but I was still pretty mad. It was way too quiet. I wondered what the boys were thinking about. Every once in a while Matt would whisper something to Carter, and he would nod, and the other way around. Other than that, the only sound was our breathing. 

Carter started swishing the ice around in his cup, and it was starting to get on my nerves but I didn't say anything. Instead, I just stared at the ceiling of the car, or out the window. I had a lot to think about, and honestly I didn't want to deal with this. 

For starters, I wondered what would happen if we got caught. Carter told me about a half hour ago that his boss would kill him if he didn't listen. Great person to work for. What would this guy do if he found us? I didn't really want to know. 

Second, I spent some time thinking about how stupid I was. What would have happened if I hadn't answered the door? Would their boss have come and gotten me himself? What if I fought back against Matt? What if I screamed, or kicked, or something and got away? They were all unanswered questions.

I sighed and laid down to look at the ceiling again. Is my dad looking for me? No, I knew he didn't care...

What about my friends? I was supposed to hang out with them today. Would they realize I was missing? Probably, but how would they help? Would they tell my dad? Maybe he would pretend to care and call the cops...maybe someone saw me get taken.

I decided to stop thinking this all over and look at the positive side to things. At least they didn't want to kill me, or rape me. Although I was a little worried about Matt...

Besides, maybe I was better off here. Back at home, I was just ignored by my father. Plus I felt like I could trust Carter and Matt, like I said before. They both seem good enough, and they wanted to help me from the beginning so I was lucky...luckier than the other girls anyways.

Pretty soon after this, Matt turned on the radio, to my relief. Then he started rapping and singing 'Thrift Shop' I couldn't help but laugh, he was acting crazy. Carter laughed too and started rapping along with him for most of the song. I loosened up a bit and smiled. If they were relaxing, I could too.

Matt had one hand on the wheel, and was rapping louder than the radio. I kept laughing, I couldn't stop it. For once, I wasn't worried about anything. Matt took both hands off the steering wheel, and Carter shut up instantly. He stopped laughing, and talking once he noticed. I stopped too, but Matt didn't seem to care. 

"If you're gonna keep doing this, let me drive." Carter said. Matt turned down the volume, putting a hand back on the wheel. 


Carter shook his head. "Whatever, nevermind. Are we almost there?"

Matt  ignored the question. "You're just being paranoid Carter. Have I ever crashed this car?"

Carter sighed "Well no, but you could.."

Matt rolled his eyes and turned into a gas station. "We need gas, and food. I'll get the gas, you get the snacks, alright?" He asked, turning to Carter. 

Carter nodded and got out of the car, pulling his wallet out as he got to the store. I yawned and leaned my head against the window as Matt filled the car up. He left the front door open, and the summer air was coming in. I got out of school in two weeks, and then we were on vacation for three months. I wasn't sure if I was happy about summer or not, I guess I was somewhere in the middle. All I knew was that I missed school for the first time. 

I wondered when the last time Carter and Matt had gone to school was. Probably a while. I knew Carter was smart, and Matt acted stupid. Matt finished up with the car, and got back into the drivers seat. He turned around to face me after closing the door. "You don't talk much, huh?"

I looked over at him and shook my head "Not to you guys."

He nodded and half smiled. "We'll get you talkin'."

"Why do you make Carter so mad?" I suddenly asked. I wished I hadn't.

He turned back around in the seat "It's fun. Plus we're friends, he doesn't care." He shrugged. I nodded and looked back out the window, waiting for Carter to come back.

After a few minutes I took my gaze away from the store, over to a bee that had just flown in through the window next to Matt. I wanted to scream, to be honest. I hate bees. I know, I act like i'm five, being afraid of bees. Before I can say anything, It lands on Matt and stings him. Stupid bees think they can hurt whoever they want. Matt jumped a little and pushed it away from his arm. "What the hell was that?" He asks, although he doesn't seem phased by it. 

"A bee..." I say, and his eyes widen. 

"A WHAT?! I'm fucking allergic to bees!" He screams, sounding almost terrified. 

I scream too, what else am I supposed to do? Oh god, he's gonna die. I'm gonna be arrested or something..where's Carter? What do I do? Oh my god he's dying, oh no, he's dead. He's dead, he's dead, he's-

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Matt's laugh. I stop freaking out and stare at him. What's his problem now?

"You should have seen your face!" He yells, still laughing. Ok, he is dead. I'm killing him.

Carter's POV

I get back to the car, and all I can hear is Matt laughing. I roll my eyes, of course he's joking around. I bet he even forgot to put gas in the car.  I can see Hailey isn't laughing along, though. I throw some chips at Matt as soon as I open the door. 

"What did you do?" I ask him, and he stops for a second to answer me.

"There was a bee, and I guess it stung I told her i'm allergic. You should have seen her! She looked like she was about to pass out!"

I sigh. Sometimes Matt's idea of 'funny' doesn't match regular people's definition. I look back at Hailey and hand her a bag of chips and a coke. "Sorry about him." 

She nods and takes the food, half smiling. I punch Matt on his arm after sitting down and closing the door. 

"What took you so long?" Matt asks.

"I couldn't find your fucking Doctor Pepper" I say, and hand him his favorite soda.

He just smiles and takes it, apparently not caring about how long I had to look for it. I swear I wonder why I deal with him sometimes.

"So where are we going?" I ask as we start driving again. Before Matt answers me, Hailey jumps forward in her seat again.

"I thought you were the smart one, Carter." She says sarcastically. I smile a bit.

"Yeah, Carter." Matt says, matching her tone.

"Well i'm not the one driving." I say. Hailey laughs a little and looks at Matt for an answer. 


I think over Matt's answer for a second. Greenwood was this place a few miles from here, where our boss had one of his 'hideouts.' He only let us use it when we had to take a girl from Greenwood; or a neighboring town, which was understandable. It was also Mine and Matt's favorite hideout, because it was right on a lake, and really deep in the woods. It also had more rooms than all the others around the state.

"Won't he get suspicious, since it's our favorite?" I ask.

Matt shrugs. "Maybe."

I just decided to forget about it. We could always run, and to be honest, I was just happy to stop driving.

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