Part 23 : Games

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'Not bad, not bad at all ! So far all is correct.'

The MC announced as Haoting and Shigu erased the answers from their respective small whiteboard. 'But those are only warm up questions. Ready for more?!'

Haoting smiles teasingly. They sat on chairs facing each other on the stage, with a whiteboard and marker to write down the answers. Shigu bites his lips, returning the smile.

Some guys in the audiences clutched their heart, urghhhhh! Too much love in the room. It's suffocating.

The rest of Haoting's colleagues seems to get more & more enthusiastic about the whole game. They kept sending new questions to the MC. The previous 10 questions so far are the basic favourite color, favourite food, hobbies, likes & dislikes, etc. The tame and safe ones. They all decided to spice things up a bit with this couple.

The MC suddenly take away the white boards.

Shigu scrunched his face, the usual looks when he is confused. Now the girls are holding their heart. Urghhhhhhh! How can a man looks that cute.

'It's boring if we just asked a questions with one liner answer. Let's have it in different format instead. ' The MC reasons. Then he continues, 'A lot of people have questions rolled up in this papers that they want to know. If you don't want to answer, you can pass. No pressure. Ok?' He looks at Haoting and Shigu, back and forth.

Haoting glances at Shigu. When he sees Shigu nods, he nods as well.

Now the MC clutched his heart. Urghhhh! I should have been gay or at least be more experimental before settling down. Damn my wife!

After the noises calmed down in the hall, the MC signals the couple to stand closer to each other. Haoting stands slightly behind Shigu, his hands hovering protectively around Shigu. Shigu matches his movement around Haoting with ease. Moving slightly to the left or right, observing Haoting scrambling the questions in the jar before picking up one. Then he passed it to the MC.

The MC unrolled the paper. He is stunned for a few seconds. The question is sure strong from the get go. 'Woaaaaa...Question 1 : Who's the top? who's the bottom?'

Shigu turned bright red.

Haoting answered without missing a beat, 'Up to your imagination.' He smirked and choose another paper.

The audiences roared.

He hold Shigu's waist with his left hand, patting him to relax. He knows Shigu is not comfortable being the centre of attention. The faster they finished this game, the better. He is also curious about some things that might be answered through this kind of game, a help of external forces sometimes needed to break some topics. So that it will be easier for him to raise it up.

'When was the exact moment you realised you are madly in love and decided he/she is the one?'

Haoting brings his face closer to Shigu. His action is enough to make his colleagues expressed their feelings in multiple ways. Some goes uwu, some turns to fansite fangirl mode - snapping photos non stop, some curses, some just decided to drop dead from the sweetness.

'You want to answer first?' He asked.

Shigu turns his body towards Haoting, almost tip-toeing and replies, 'Ummm...You first.' Haoting nods. His left hand still did not leave Shigu. It moves from the shoulder to the back, down to the waistline, then to the back again, or the nape while he replies to the questions thrown at him.

He took the mic into his hand, looking at his colleagues. Most of them has been with him for the past 2 years. This is the first time he openly bring Shigu with him despite them asking so many times. These bastards really did not hold back. He chuckled.

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