Home again

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Shigu woke up when he feels a slight movement. Sleeping alone everyday most of the time, it is taking him a while to adjust that Haoting is finally home, to their home, to him. 

Haoting props his elbow, lying sideway on the bed. He caress his thumb along Shigu's face. 

Shigu finally able to look at him. He misses him terribly. He traces the face with his eyes. His large curious eyes makes Haoting chuckles. 'Morning'.

Shigu smiles. He pushes Haoting to lie on his back, then he lies on top of his. Haoting adjust his body naturally, rising the pillow behind him so he's almost halfway seated. Shigu laid his head on Haoting chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeats.

Haoting rubs his back and play with his hair. They don't feel like leaving the bed yet. Just cuddling and not saying anything. Last night felt like an eternity. He must have done something extremely good in his previous life to deserve Shigu in this lifetime.

Shigu raises his head, resting on his chin and starts to trace his fingers on the mark he made on Haoting last night. He looks at Haoting for any reaction but the latter only calmly gaze at his every action. He wanted to erase any trace of the woman. No one should touched Haoting but him. 

With the morning light slowly creeping in, he saw how deep his mark is. Reddish.

Moving slowly, he touched the side of Haoting's lip and right eyebrow, fresh cuts. He titled his head confusedly. Was it there last night? Did he got nightmare and beat up Haoting in his sleep? He did dreamt of doing it for the last two days.

'Are you hurt?'

Haoting shakes his head, kissing Shigu's fingers.

'What happened?'

'That bald gorilla punched me.' Haoting answers. Shigu would found out anyway, sooner or later.

'Because of what happened?'

Haoting nods. 

'Your brotherhood is too barbaric.' Shigu commented. He moves on top of Haoting, nearer so he can rest his head on the crook of Haoting's neck. 

The cuddle each other silently. 

Enjoying the moment. Just for a short while...

'Shigu...can I kiss you?'. Haoting breaks the silence.

Shigu blinks. Haoting never even asked when he kissed him for the first time. He just did as he pleased. 

Haoting continues when he notices Shigu is having internal battle with himself, 'or... can you kiss me instead, hhmm?'

Shigu stay unmoved, only his large eyes blinking, his eyebrows start to scrunch together. 

It's cute. 

Haoting took Shigu's hand and put it on the bite mark, 'last night, when you bit me, that was hot.' His other hand starts to roam on Shigu's body. He put his face close to Shigu's, waiting. He licks his lips in anticipation. 

'Why are you suddenly asking permission...', his voice low, almost unheard, he bits his lips nervously. 'I am yours...anyway..'

'Is that a yes'. Haoting sat on the bed, pulling Shigu to face him. 

His face is red to his ears. Shigu nods shyly and pull Haoting to claim that full lips. 

It's off day anyway. Plenty of time.

Haoting did not mark Shigu's body at all. He edges Shigu to mark him instead, to his heart content. He settles with series of kisses, thrusting deeper into Shigu with every round. He can feel him trembling and shuddering from his touch.

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