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A/N: Family support is highly important. Some are not blessed with this aspect, but I really want to incorporate some family dynamics into this version of MODC. You might realised I included Haoting's parents a lot in this. Being Asian, family is a big thing. We have this concept of filial piety growing up. With my story, I want to make it two ways communication ; parents  trying to understand the kids, and the kids respecting their parents' concern. Communication is key. 


Now, now... remember any scene with the word Lollipop? Eheeeeeheeee.. Pardon me and my f*cked up brain. 


Home sweet home. 

Haoting crashed on the sofa after showering. He is exhausted. Mom insisted he left his huge luggage at their family house so she could help with the laundry. 

'You shouldn't ask Shigu to do it for you. He is busy!'

As much as Mom tries to understand the dynamic in same sex relationship, in her mind, Shigu is the one taking the woman role because he is smaller and softer compared to Haoting; thus Shigu equal wife. 

Admittedly Shigu is smaller, but he is manly in his own way. He is firm and decisive, brainy and sexy too. 

Shigu is still in the shower. 

Haoting paces along the living room back and forth, waiting.

He fixed his eyes on the large Rosette Nebula poster on the wall - Shigu's favourite. A rose blooming in space. How fitting. He smiles. Shigu keeps thing in the house very simple. He doesn't like to overcrowd their living space. But he is sentimental person. There are photos of them and tiny trinkets on one row of the bookshelf. 

Red - Something red. What did he forgot?

Ahhh! He quickly picked up a small object from his bag, slide it into his pocket while grinning mischievously. Almost forgot about it. 

'What are you smiling at?' Shigu soft voice interrupted him. 

Shigu had his oversized shirt on. This is bad for his heart. The more Shigu tries hiding that body of him, the more powerful the sexual pull Haoting feels towards him. 

'Nothing. ' He grabbed the Instax on the shelf, checked the film balance, and aim it towards Shigu. 

Shigu dashed away. 


One film wasted. Only blurry image formed. Haoting threw the film to the floor and proceed to hunt the culprit in the bedroom. 

The door is locked. 


'Shigu, be a babe and open the door'

'No I won't'

'I want to sleep. I'm tired.'

'I don't think you'll just want to sleep'

Haoting can hear Shigu clearly behind the door, giggling playfully.

'Why? Are you scared?'

'Should I be scared?'

'How about you take charge tonight?' Haoting offered. He took the Lollipop from his pocket and tap it on the door. Making tiny knocking sounds.


'I have a present for you'


'Open up.'

'You'll cheat and break into the room' Shigu counters. He knows Haoting can overpowered him in seconds. He stands no chance once the door is unlocked. He wants to tease and edge Haoting more. 

'I'll keep my word like a true gentleman. I won't cheat and break into the room. Just see the present first.'


The door unlocked. Shigu peeks from the gap. 

Haoting leans on his side, propping sideway against the wall.  His shirt is off. He is holding a Chupa Chups, looking at Shigu teasingly. 

'I remembered promising to eat lollipop and a certain someone when I get into university.'

He unwraps the strawberry vanilla flavour lollipop and offers it to Shigu. 'I don't like this flavour that much'

Shigu returns his gaze and accepts the tribute. He plops it into his mouth, not breaking the eye contact. 

Haoting aimed the camera again. Shigu is staring right back at him, challenging him with his gaze. 


Nice. Another private photo just for his eyes. 

'Can I have a taste?'

Shigu removed the lollipop and licks his lips. 'It's mine now.' He walks backward, leaving the door opened and continues to enjoy the lollipop. 

He sat on the bed, knowing that Haoting is following every single gestures. He can see the self control of the giant is slowly breaking. Just a little bit more.

He removed his shirt ever so slowly. Toss it on the floor. Eyes fixed on Haoting. Then he moved to centre of the bed and cover himself under the large duvet to the waist. The remaining pieces of clothing tossed to the floor. Shigu starts to stroke himself.

Haoting stands his ground, but his face is redden. Teeth clenched to suppress his impulse. 2 months of not getting any and now this. Sweet Lord!

Shigu smirked. There. 

He offers, 'Wanna have a taste?' He bites the remaining candy from the stick and swallowed it.  He showed the slivers of lollipop on his tongue. His right hand continues doing its job, preparing himself.

The starving giant dashed to his target. Control gone.

He stripped the duvet off and dived into the main course.  He grabbed the lube from the bedside drawer. He don't think he can hold himself to prepare Shigu slowly.

Shigu bites his lips to suppress his moan. Haoting took Shigu's length into his mouth, working it faster. He bobs his head following Shigu's thrust. His own length is about to burst. 

Two fingers in. He matched the pace before inserting the third finger. They have not done it in a while. He doesn't want to hurt Shigu. 

Shigu is raking his fingers in his hairs. Lips trembling. His legs curled and trashed around.

'Ah Hao, please! ' 

Haoting took off his short and slammed  his length into Shigu's wamth. 

'Arghhhhh!' Shigu gasped for air.

'Relax, it's me, it's me' He grabbed Shigu on his waist. Both hands grabbed tightly so he can enter deeper. He lowered his head to kiss Shigu. 


Haoting spread the thighs, pushing the back of the knees high. He goes berserk.

Only the sound of skin slapping is heard. Shigu clenched his fists on the white sheet.

He sees stars. 'Ah Hao! More!'


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