I'm sorry, Love

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Haoting face is bruised, a fresh cut formed on his lips from the punches Sunbo threw at him yesterday. 

They gathered at Haoting's apartment. Emergency meeting. Even the twins joined despite their busy schedules.

They watched the short clip again. One of the students posted the whole video of the kissing incidence. Some others sent random clips taken from the night directly to Haoting. 

It was clear that it was not what they expected. 

Although the music was blaring and conversations in the background were deafening, the voices in the video are clear.

'Now, everyone, freestyle poses!'

Some of them makes a V-sign, some put up funny faces, some links their arms around each other, grinning happily. Haoting sat nearby the edge of the long bench, clearly a bit drunk. He ruffles his hair and winks at the camera. Everybody scooted closer to be able to fit inside the frame. 

'One, two, three, say Cheese!'


'One more! 1, 2, 3, say Hell Yeah!'


'Ok, last one, last one...1, 2, Girls!! The fuck you're doing?!!'

One girl in a short black skirt grabs Haoting and kiss his lips, another clung to Haoting shirt and peck his neck. 

The nearest students scrambles to pull off the two girls from Haoting sides. Less than 3 seconds, they peel them off. The video cut off with the sounds of some glasses scattered and students yelling and cursing. Then it ended. 

The twins looked at Haoting, not saying anything. Sunbo is still pissed with Haoting being so careless. Not his fault but still..

He clicks on other clip probably from earlier of the night. 

'I love his smile so much. He is the centre of my universe'. Haoting bragged about Shigu. Happiness is apparent from his face. 

Yong Ching clicks on some other videos. 

'This is called a Rosette Nebula, it looks like a Rose petal in space. Shigu loves this particular clusters of stars. He could named the deep-sky objects as easily as remembering Pokemon names. It's impressive!' 

Another clip.

'He drinks tonnes of water. He carries his water bottle everywhere. He could forget his phone, but he never forget his water bottle. I never thought I would be jealous of a water bottle. I gave up my Nintendo Switch to buy him that phone. I love him more than Switch. I just want to be loved more that that damn bottle.'

... Haoting sighs heavily.

Sunbo gave the phone back to Haoting. Yong Ching standing behind them quietly, looking over the video clips. The twins sat on the floor. 

'He will be back tomorrow. You had girlfriends before. A kiss might mean nothing to you. Whatever you say or promise him, think it through. No one can help you but yourself.' He picked up his keys and squeezes Haoting firmly on his shoulder. 'Let's go Yong Ching, I'll help fetch you home.'

The twins did the same and leave.

Yong Ching hugs his brother and follows the boys. She couldn't find a word to say. She looks up to his brother, to her they are the ideal couple. This is their first conflict after 2 years. Everyone is worried, especially about Shigu's reaction. No one is able to reached him since 2 days ago. 

Shigu did not look at his phone at all since his call with Zhigang. It was in the bottom of his bag, hidden from sight. His phone is probably out of battery anyway.

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